part 119

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after a while we got dressed and i put on a tight fitted pink dress with black heels while kobe wore a pink button up shirt and black pants and pink and black shoes and once i finished doing my hair i stood in front of kobe and expanded my arms

Y: how do i look
Kobe: perfect how about me
Y: incredible

kobe stood up and kissed me then i grabbed my purse and he grabbed our phones and we walked out of our hotel and got on the elevator going down to the lobby once we were down we walked outside and we decided we'd walk to a few places so first we walked to kodak express nation and we got all of the pictures of me an kobe printed out which were thousands and when we got a scrapbook for them it was completely full and we had more pictures to go so we got another one and that one was half full but it was fine then we left out and continued walking around while i made kobe hold the books then we went inside a art building where they let you paint so me and kobe put on our coverings then we started painting and throwing paint on each other laughing and yelling

Kobe: i'll dump this bucket on you
Y: and i'll dump this one on you don't play with me

me and kobe kept playing around then we grabbed our paintings and washed our hands and arms then we continued going around paris we went to the notre dame cathedral and took pictures in front of it and laughing then we got on a ride that took us around the eiffel tower once that was done the sun was down so we went to a rooftop restaurant

Y: today has been a lot of fun
Kobe: yea it has but we need somewhere to put these paintings and scrapbook
Y: you can put then down for now
Kobe: for now
Y: yea cause i'm gonna make you pick them back up when we leave
Kobe: wow
Y: i'm joking we'll get a taxi
Kobe: thank you
Y: anytime
Kobe: so what are you getting
Y: uhhh i don't know
Kobe: if you don't mind me saying you look so beautiful today baby
Y: i'm so in love with you
Kobe: not more than me though
Y: way more
Kobe: impossible
Y: it's possible love
Kobe: no it's not
Waiter: hey what can i get you guys to drink
Kobe: uhh i want a margarita
Y: babe
Kobe: come on just this once
Y: fine i'll have the same
Waiter: alright i'll be back

once the waiter walked off i looked back at kobe and crossed my arms

Kobe: come on it's a special occasion
Y: but kobe
Kobe: baby just this one time and then i'm done
Y: only while we're on vacation that is the only exception after that the answer will always be no
Kobe: ok and that's fine

once our drinks came the waiter asked if we knew what we wanted to eat and we decided on sharing a big spaghetti so while they went and did that me and kobe just continued talking and drinking then they came and we started eating

Kobe: ok do the thing with me
Y: ok

kobe put a long piece in his mouth and i put the other end in mine then began eating it until the end where i kissed him and then he started making out with me until i pulled away

Kobe: what i was just getting the sauce off
Y: or some like that
Kobe: giving me very much party pooper
Y: i'm going to give you very much money walking back to the hotel while i take a taxi if you keep talking
Kobe: what if i smashed your face in this spaghetti
Y: i would fight you
Kobe: fair enough

me and kobe laughed then once we finished we paid and left then we went to a place that shoots water out of the ground and we put the paintings and scrapbooks down with our other personal belongings and i was hiding from kobe in the water and when he would try to find me i would run then i saw him and the water shot up then when it went down it was like he disappeared so i started looking around for him and then when water was about to shoot up in the spot i was in kobe picked me up off the ground from behind spinning around while i laughed then once he put me down i turned around and kissed him while the water shot up around us

Kobe: memories like this will last a lifetime
Y: it's only right that they do

i kissed kobe again a little longer than we held hands and walked out of the water soaking wet and we picked up our things then called a taxi and once they came we got in laughing

Driver: well y'all look like y'all had fun
Y: yea we did how about you
Driver: uhh i've been driving all day and today's me and my wife's anniversary
Y: i'm so sorry but congrats i'm sure she'll understand
Driver: i'm hoping she does i tried getting off early but it didn't work luckily y'all are my last customers of the day

i continued talking to the driver and soon we made it to the hotel and i gave him a huge tip

Y: buy her something amazing she deserves it
Driver: thank you so much

i closed the door then waved and held kobe's hand as we walked back into the hotel once we made it to our room we showered and got dressed in our pajamas and kobe laid down tying to go to sleep so i tied a blanket around my neck and stood above him

Y: to infinity and beyond

then i jumped up and fell on top of him making him yell then sit up while i bust out laughing then he came to me and started tickling me while i screamed and tried to move away


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