part 188

702 41 46

it's been a month since everything happened and today was halloween the kids were with kobe today and corey and y/n planned on going out and just walking around just doing their own thing but they wanted to dress up so y/n was getting dressed in her playboy outfit while corey was a prisoner once y/n came out of the bathroom corey looked at her then smiled

Corey: come here my sexy playboy bunny

y/n laughed then she walked to corey sitting on his lap while he wrapped his arms around her back

Y: you look nice babe
Corey: you look way better baby

corey smiled up at y/n then kissed her a few times then someone knocked on the door walking in

Cherry: oh my bad but um me and mike are gonna join you guys tonight
Y: alright what are you wearing
Cherry: a sexy maid outfit
Y: haha what about mike
Cherry: he's gonna be a cop
Y: oh ok ok
Cherry: we'll be downstairs whenever y'all are ready
Y: girl you ain't even dressed
Cherry: just watch we'll be down there before y'all
Y: ok

cherry walked out the room and i looked at corey shaking my head then he laughed and flipped us over so now he was hovering over me then he started kissing me after every word i said

Y: baby we have to get going
Corey: they can wait
Y: cherry was right they're going to be downstairs before us
Corey: well hey what do you expect you put on an outfit like that and want me to stay calm
Y: we're gonna have to work on that
Corey: maybe but not now

y/n laughed then corey continued kissing her then after a while they were both getting redressed

Y: it's your fault we're late
Corey: yea but you love it
Y: you're right

while corey was zipping up his jumpsuit he went to y/n kissing her then once they were both dressed they walked downstairs seeing cherry, mike, cohen, aya, david, and alessya

David: it's about time
Cohen: what took y'all so long
Y: stay out of grown folk business
Cohen: nah nah nah
Y: yea yea yea nosey ass now come on
David: we walking
Y: no
David: yes now bring your asses
Y: jeez

they all walked out the door walking down the neighborhood together and talking

David: so what's up with y'all
Y: who
David: you nigga
Y: oh nothing is up with us that's my baby though
Corey: yea that's my future wife
Cohen: ugly ass people anyways me and aya are a thing now
Aya: yea we are
Y: dang girl you could do so much better why settle for cohen
Cohen: fuck you
Y: hey i'm just being honest like damn you must've threatened her
Cohen: i will literally suffocate you in your sleep
Y: i'll wake up dumbass
Cohen: nah not if i do it after you and corey fuck bitch be knocked the fuck out
Y: fuck off

we laughed and i pushed cohen then we continued walked around just talking and making jokes about each other then after walking for a while we made it into a different neighborhood

Cherry: how long have we been walking
Mike: about an hour now
Y: should we turn around
Corey: nah let's keep walking
Y: ok

they continued walking and talking sometimes seeing other people and waving but it was mainly just them they walked for so long that soon they were in another neighborhood and there was a cool breeze then y/n turned towards corey

Y: i think we should go back
Corey: why
Y: i don't know i just have a bad feeling about this place
Cohen: aww you wanna go back little baby
Y: cohen usually i'll joke back with you but i'm serious i really think we need to go home like right now
Cherry: you're just being paranoid it's just your mind playing tricks on you now come on let's keep walking
Y: guys i love y'all but we need to walk back right now please
Corey: if it's bothering you then we can walk back
Alessya: i'm with y/n on this one we should go back we don't even know this neighborhood enough to walk alone in it at night
Cherry: oh come on y'all a-

before cherry could finished there was a car about to drive by but then it turned off it's headlights and slowed down as the window started rolling down everyone got down but y/n wasn't paying attention she was on her phone checking in on the kids so corey jumped on her tackling her to the ground then shielding her as the car drove past letting shots fire when the shots stopped corey stood up helping y/n up then hugging her

Corey: are you ok
Y: yea i'm fine what about you
Corey: yea i'm fine
Y: good why the fuck would you do that
Corey: do what
Y: shield me they couldn't killed you corey
Corey: i rather it be me then you y/n
Y: ugh you get on my nerves
Corey: but you love it but i need to talk to you now
Y: um ok

now that everyone was scared shitless they started speed walking back home and y/n and corey walked ahead of the group

Y: so what did you want to tell me
Corey: i got to go
Y: wait where
Corey: somewhere far from here
Y: why
Corey: my past followed me here and i almost got you killed in the process i got to go for a while
Y: how long is a while
Corey: ugh a year or two just enough to get them off my trail but as long as i'm here and now they know how you look then it's not safe for me or you the only way to keep you safe is for me to go
Y: and what am i supposed to do while you're gone
Corey: live your life as if you never met me
Y: so depressed and alone got you
Corey: that's not what i mean y/n i would give everything to be able to stay with you but if i do that then there's a possibility i can get you either killed or seriously injured in the process and i can't drag you along to run with me for the rest of my life you have kids and the last thing i want to do is drag them into this also one day i'll be back and everything will be normal again but i have to go don't worry i'll contact you everyday there won't be a day that i don't it's gonna be hard and i'm gonna miss you like crazy but it needs to be done y/n


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