part 72

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once we pulled apart we just looked at each other until we went back to our picnic sitting down and my face was burning so i could tell it was red

Kobe: you've been blushing since i asked you to be my wife baby
Y: i'm just really happy shut up and let me live
Kobe: do you
Y: ugh you're such a nerd
Kobe: hmm is this your way of flirting with me
Y: no it's my way of speaking facts is your way of flirting with me coming with smart comebacks
Kobe: depends on if we're telling the truth
Y: of course
Kobe: nerd

i playfully pushed kobe's shoulder and we started laughing then i laid my head on his shoulder and held his hand while we just watched the stars with the sound of the waterfall in the background after a few more hours i got in my car and kobe got in his and we drove to the house when we made it we got out and walked up to the door i was about to open it until kobe stopped me

Kobe: we should surprise them with the news
Y: how though
Kobe: act like i broke up with you then leave the rest to me
Y: ok i'll go in first then with my head down and then the rest falls into place
Kobe: that's my baby good thinking

i covered my face with my hair and i walked inside while the others looked at me and i just sat on the couch and later kobe came in through the door

Mike: well how was your anniversary
Kobe: it was aight
Kenzie: well did you compliment your girlfriend
Kobe: she's not my girlfriend
Omar: wait so you broke up with her
Kobe: no she's not my girlfriend she's my fiancé

the others opened their mouth while i got up waving my hand in their faces and spinning around in a circle just smiling and making goofy faces

Cohen: wait soon to be y/n morris
Y: yes indeed best believe it
Omar: ok sis i'm happy for you
Y: i'm happy too probably the most happiest i've ever been
Davine: so what are y'all gonna do for the rest of the night
Kobe: uhh well imma need y'all to watch king for the rest of the night and pray that he won't have a sibling on the way

after kobe said that he came and put y/n over his shoulder making her laugh and turn red so she covered her face while kobe carried her upstairs and the others joked around and yelled things once they made it into the room kobe plopped y/n on the bed and locked the door once he walked back to the bed and hovered over her she kissed his neck a few times then after a very long while they were both cuddled on the bed sleep and the others were downstairs sighing

Melissa: finally the noise stopped
Ida: it went on for hours
David: how the fuck were they going that long
Mike: i'm going to sleep now this is beyond me

the others walked off going to sleep and kairi took king into his room laying him on his chest and for hours the house was perfectly silent until the sun started coming up and y/n sat up stretching and rubbing her eyes then she looked over at kobe who was still sleep so she laid on top up him for almost twenty minutes until she felt his arms snake around her waist and he snuggled his face into the crook of her neck so she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and rested her head right beside his and they went back to sleep until they woke up again and y/n lifted her head and laid her forehead on kobe's and they just looked at each other for a while until he poked out his lips making y/n give him a tired smile then she kissed him over and over again after a while y/n tried to go back to sleep but he gently ran his hand along her side

Kobe: baby you can't go back to sleep we've been sleep for a while
Y: i'm so tired though
Kobe: we can sleep later
Y: hey tell me about what you hope for in the future
Kobe: uhh for the future i hope that me and you are together and looking over our balcony with king and two more babies and we're as happy as we've ever been i hope that when i look over at you that there's a wedding band on your finger and that our love is as fresh as it is now and that we have that kind of love that others find crazy but is perfect for us oh i want a great dane and we're going to name him bully i hope me and you have each other's backs until the very end and there's never a moment that we wish we were apart like now we're inseparable if they see me then they see you and if they see you then they see me the fact that we can be near each other so much and still want to be near each other the next day or even second is something i always hoped for and i honestly can't wait to see what the future has in store for us because when i find it i'm never letting go as long as you're right next to me every single step of the way then i'm going to be alright no matter what comes my way

y/n tiredly smiled then she went back to sleep and kobe shook his head just rubbing her back and still talking to her hoping she would have a dream about what he was saying after a few minutes he turned the tv on watching shows but he had the volume down making sure not to wake y/n up

i got cheer competition today 😅💜

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