part 177

638 34 35

i still wasn't talking to the others but me, cohen, and david still live together and no me and corey aren't together but we hang out everyday and our bond is amazing but today the others actually texted me and asked if they could speak with me so i'm gonna make cohen and david babysit the kids for me while i go talk to them so i got dressed then kissed the kids and got in my car driving to the house when i got there i knocked and ida opened the door hugging me and i hugged her back then i sat down on the couch

Kenzie: ok i wanna start this by saying got damn without you it's been pure hell we miss you so much and yes we talked shit but we're so sorry we want our sister back please we'll never keep anything from you ever again we promise
Y: i missed you guys too i won't trust you completely again but yes i'm back being your sister
Ida: whew praise the lord i thought you were gonna say no
Cynthia: and i'm sorry for saying something like that the boys trusted me with it and i just outed it in front of everyone
Y: no i'm glad you told me because if you didn't say anything i doubt anyone would've ever told me but it also doesn't matter that you said it in front of everyone they knew anyways
Cynthia: fair point
Ida: there's something else we have to tell you
Kobe: no there's not stop right now
Ida: no we just got her back i'm not losing her again
Kobe: ok but i will so stop please
Y: no tell me and tell me right now
Ida: kobe got cherry pregnant
Y: oh congrats i guess um i should get going but you guys are welcome anytime but kobe maybe you should wait a while before you come around
Kobe: i don't want cherry y/n i want you i messed up bad this time and i can't take it back but i'm so sorry
Cherry: you're really gonna say that right in front of me
Kobe: cherry you knew i didn't want you when we first started this i told you i wanted y/n still but you didn't want to hear that
Y: well stop wanting me
Kobe: i can't i need you
Y: well too bad i'm not playing step mommy

i got up walking out of the house and going into my car driving off and going to the spot kobe proposed to me at i stepped out then i stood over the water fall then i grabbed the necklace he gave me and i threw it in the water watching it fall once it was out of sight i sat down putting my face in my knees

Y: i knew loving you wouldn't go well now i think this is the end of us kobe morris

y/n closed her eyes again as tears gently fell down and she heard the water splashing in the back ground and the leaves rustling with the wind blowing after a while she stood up getting in her car and started driving around town with the radio all the way up while back at the house kobe had his face in his hands

Kobe: i asked y'all for one thing and you couldn't do it now i lost her
Ida: we held one big secret for you we weren't gonna do it twice
Kenzie: you knew the consequences and you didn't care now it's your fault
Kobe: i messed up and i know that but i wanted her back and now she probably hates me i just wanted her one more time and she's gone why couldn't i just change why can't i do anything right i always mess up what's the point in living if she isn't with me
Cherry: kobe calm down
Kobe: she's gone and i miss her like crazy i'll never have her again i refuse to live if i'm not with her

kobe got up going upstairs TW ⚠️ and he put a gun to his head saying how sorry he was to y/n then he pulled the trigger and the others ran upstairs yelling

Cohen: y/n wake up wake up

i was shook awake and i shot up in bed a crying mess and i was looking around and catching my breath

Y: kobe where's kobe is he dead
Cohen: what no we don't know we haven't talked to him
Y: why am i home i thought i left
Cohen: no corey left he said he had to go to his modeling shoot what's wrong with you are you ok
Y: i had a dream kobe got cherry pregnant then he killed himself
David: damn girl that dream sounds brutal
Cohen: yea maybe you should stay awake for a little
Y: you're right i should
Cohen: is there anything you need
Y: no i'm fine i'm sorry for scaring y'all

the boys gave me a hug then they walked off and i went into the bathroom splashing water on my face and just looking in the mirror then i put my head down

Y: damn it get it together girl

after that crazy ass dream i got up going back in my room sitting on the bed and i unblocked everyone and apologized for flipping on them then while i sat there i got a paragraph from all of them saying how sorry they were and that they miss me and i felt relieved i laid on my back looking at the ceiling forcing myself to stay awake

in case you don't get it basically it was a dream and cohen woke her up because she yelled 😋

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