part 163

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when we woke up the others went to their rooms and i got in the shower with tony then i bathed king and leilani and got them dressed after that everyone decided to go have breakfast so we went to a diner and all sat down and every time i would look up i would see kobe looking at me so i would look away once our waiter came giving us menus we were all looking at them then i got a message from kobe saying "i want to be with you" i just looked up at him then rolled my eyes turning my phone off

King: mama what are you gonna get
Y: i don't know yet what do you want
King: an ice waffle
Y: what's that
King: it's a waffle with ice cream and chocolate syrup
Ailani: ooo i want that
Y: ok well then imma just get that
Tony: same here
Kobe: why are you copying them
Tony: what
Y: kobe shut up ignore him baby

i rolled my eyes at kobe then started talking to tony and making jokes with him then our waiter came and took our order then while she walked off i held tony's hand under the table and leaned my head on my shoulder while on my phone scrolling through instagram

Kobe: y/n can i talk to you alone please
Y: uhh sure

i got up from the table and we walked outside when we made it out i leaned against the wall just looking at him

Kobe: do you miss me
Y: kobe stop why do you miss me all of a sudden
Kobe: it isn't all of a sudden i never wanted a divorce
Y: if you didn't want one then you shouldn't have cheated i had no problem being married to you but you couldn't hold the end of your bargain and do what you said at our wedding
Kobe: i tried to but i couldn't and it's my fault i know that
Y: kobe you promised me the world and i was dumb enough to fall for it but you lied and that's all you do
Kobe: i don't try i just don't think before i do shit and once i do it it's too late to take it back i'm so fucking sorry and i'm such an asshole for breaking your heart
Y: you didn't break my heart kobe you broke me and you know that and sometimes i feel like you don't even care that you did it
Kobe: what of course i care i always do and i regret it every day of my life
Y: then why how come you always regret it but you keep doing it why what's the point if you loved me as much as you said then you wouldn't hurt me every time i trust you
Kobe: i love you y/n i always will and i still do and i don't know why i hurt you it's just hard for me to stay loyal it's like when something is going good for me i fuck it up and let the past repeat itself and it's all my fault i can never see a good thing when it's in front of me and you were the good thing y/n and i was dumb to let you go and mess it up
Y: yea you were dumb
Kobe: i know that and i miss you so much and i'm sorry i treated you so badly i lost my mind when i cheated on you and i just want to be able to call you mine again
Y: i'm with tony now kobe and i'm sorry i wish you nothing but the best and i forgive you and as i said yes i love you but maybe it's time we finally move on from each other it's great being with you and yea sometimes i miss it but at the end we do the same shit we get together we stay together for a while and then you fuck up and i leave then i go back to you and look like a damn fool but it's best if we just cut things off for good this time i want to see where things go with me and tony and hopefully it's somewhere good because he's a nice and good guy and i'm really falling for him i hope you can say the same about someone one day

i turned around and saw tony standing there smiling at me then kobe pulled my hand and kissed me but i pushed him off, slapped him, then wiped my lips when i turned around tony was walking towards him so i put my arms on his chest and looked at him

Y: baby it's fine i promise not this weekend please
Tony: it's disrespectful he knew i was right there and he heard what you said about me but he still did it
Y: i know he does that shit a lot
Tony: why do you let it happen
Y: i don't i didn't know he was gonna do that but i can't let you hit him tony
Tony: why not why are you defending him
Y: i'm not defending him but i can't just let you hit him got damn it and i'm not going to let you do it during a trip that i planned for king if i can go this whole time without fighting ashley then you can do the same with kobe please just don't start this shit right now that's all i ask
Tony: fine i won't

tony walked off going back into the building and i turned around looking at kobe

Y: every time i mean every time something is going good for me and i find someone i want to be with you mess it up you swear you love but you hate seeing me happy with anyone but you

my eyes were watering a little but i turned away walking into the building and sitting down ida asked me if everything was ok and i told her yea and i'm used to being ignored when someone is mad at me but tony actually continued talking to me like nothing happened so i talked back and he even kissed me which made me really happy knowing that he wasn't like everyone else


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