part 142

753 37 20

once kobe was awake he got showered and dressed then woke up y/n and she got up going to the kids room picking them up then taking them to the bathroom getting in the tub with them they all played around and made jokes then they got out and dried off and she got them dressed and their bags ready then she grabbed her keys and buckled them in the car after that she ran back inside yelling kobe's name

Kobe: huh
Y: i need you to come with me
Kobe: why
Y: can you just come on
Kobe: fine

kobe jogged down the stairs and got into the car while y/n started driving they made it to his mom house in three hours and when they did the car was parked in the driveway and kobe just looked at it like he needed it but he ignored it and got the kids out and carried them while y/n grabbed their bags then they knocked on the door

Vanessa: hey grand babies
King: hey grandma

king jumped down from kobe's arms and ran into the house then kobe handed leilani to vanessa and then she grabbed their bags from y/n

Kobe: hey mama who's car is that in the driveway
Vanessa: ask y/n

kobe turned around and y/n dangled the keys in his face then she made him hold out his hand and dropped them on his palm

Kobe: you're kidding
Y: i'm not
Kobe: don't play right now are you serious
Y: i'm so serious it's all yours happy birthday baby

kobe yelled then picked y/n spinning her in a circle while she laughed then he put her down and kissed her for a long time when she tried to move apart he kept her there then he moved away and ran to the car while y/n laughed and walked to the car with him

Kobe: this is really all mine
Y: all of it i put it in your name and everything
Kobe: yo what the fuck thank you baby
Y: of course
Kobe: ahh i love you so fucking much
Y: i love you too

kobe kissed y/n again then got in the car starting it up and she watched as he backed out the driveway then sped down the street

Vanessa: that can be a gift or a curse
Y: yea i'm thinking it's gonna be the second one

me and vanessa laughed then i hugged her and got in my car driving back home when i got there the boys were outside around kobe's car lookin at it while he sat on the window seal talking to them i just shook my head then opened the door walking in seeing the girls sitting down so i joined them

Ida: they're having a field day with his new car
Y: yea and imma whoop their ass if they mess it up
Cynthia: where's leilani
Y: with vanessa
Ida: ailani and jordan is with janos family
Y: how is that like how does his mom view you
Ida: she likes me i guess she just doesn't trust easily which i completely understand so just like you had to get vanessas trust i have to get hers and i'm down with that
Y: ok ok where's maya
Kenzie: with my sister
Y: oh alright

i kept talking to the girls and we even played a few games then the boys came inside but instantly walked to the backyard with their swimming trunks on and hopping in the water then there was a knock on the door and it was kobe's friends coming for the party and i didn't feel like walking back and forth so i just unlocked the door then me and the girls went upstairs getting dressed in our bathing suits once
we were changed we went downstairs and sat on the lawn chairs sipping margaritas after a while we saw cherry walk in with melissa, angel, and some new girl we all just looked at each other and rolled our eyes then we put our shades down

Cherry: if it isn't the bitch trio and the three tag alongs
Y: if it isn't the obsessed bitch that can't stay away from my house more than two months
??: i don't know what beef y'all have but who's the hottie in the pool
Ida: which one
??: the light skin one with the blonde tips
Y: baby
Kobe: coming

kobe walked up to me and bend over kissing me then he stood next to me

Y: this is kobe my husband and the father of my two kids
??: oh
Kobe: did you need me
Y: no you can go now
Kobe: alright i love you
Y: i love you too

kobe ran back jumping into the pool while me and the girls started talking ignoring the girls in front of us

Ida: y'all can go and take whats a face with you
Ashley: my name is ashley
Kenzie: wait you're the girl that got exposed for sucking d-

i realized who she was then before kenzie could finish i nudged her side and looked at her then i looked back at ashley

Y: hey i'm y/n
Ashley: nice to meet you
Y: yea you too

after a while they walked off and i rolled my eyes then put my shades back down while the party went on and people continued coming and smoking and drinking while yelling and dancing and just a bunch of shit then me and the girls got up dancing and having a few drinks and just talking then we made a bet to see who can make the biggest splash but they only heard splash so when i started running to the water they did too and we all ended up jumping in together and splashing everyone around which made us laugh

Ashley: damn it there goes my clothes
Y: my bad i can take you upstairs and let you borrow a bathing suit if you want
Ashley: please
Y: yea just give me a second

i got out of the water shaking some of it off of me then i walked in the house and to my room with ashley behind me i let her choose a bathing suit then i waited outside the bathroom while she put it on once she was done i complimented her then we walked back downstairs and out the door

i got out of the water shaking some of it off of me then i walked in the house and to my room with ashley behind me i let her choose a bathing suit then i waited outside the bathroom while she put it on once she was done i complimented her then we...

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maya and jordan are the babies kenzie and ida had...

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