part 76

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Y: i'm so sorry i really didn't know but you didn't have to say all that got damn it kobe i'm not perfect i'm human just like everyone else i'm trying i'm fucking trying nothing is going to happen immediately and i'm not a hoe i have guy friends because that's who i prefer i don't act buddy buddy if i like at someone as a friend and they give me positive energy then i'm going to be as buddy buddy as i want why do you get to sit here and tell me that i'm a hoe when you've cheated on me four fucking times kobe four but i'm the hoe i sat here and forgave you every time from the kindness of my heart and the love i had for you and for you to stand here in front of everyone and just try to degrade me is so fucked up i would've never done that to you i forgot something important to you and i'm so sorry for that but you could've just talked to me anyways and don't ever fucking compare me and melissa you really have some nerves doing that shit in the first place i'm sick of it since obviously melissa is a better fiancé then me then why don't you marry her kobe

y/n took off her engagement ring and laid it on the table and ran upstairs going into her room and sitting down on the floor crying her eyes out she still wanted to marry kobe but after what he said she couldn't look at him the same way while she was upstairs crying her heart out kobe went into a different room and sat on the bed with y/ns ring in his hand and his head down then someone walked inside the room and he looked up with red eyes but then put his head back down

Ida: you had no right to say that to y/n
Kobe: shut up ida i don't need a lecture what's done is done i doubt we're even together anymore
Ida: she never said y'all weren't together she just took off her ring how about you go talk to her after all you're the one that started the argument and over what because she fell asleep and forgot that precious boy kobe needed her to hear what he had to say oh boohoo go get a fucking counselor if it means that much to you she doesn't have to force herself to be sad all because you are and if you ever talk to her like that again i'm going to give you a personal ass whooping who says that to someone who's their fiancé you preach about love but if you loved her as much as you say then you would've never said some hurtful shit like that to her and you wonder why she said she deserves better it's because she does but for some stupid reason she's stuck on you and can't realize that you're holding her back you're fucking pathetic and you don't deserve y/n you are lucky you even got her and yet after everything she's done for you somehow you still have the nerve to call her selfish ha have you looked in the mirror or at least thought about some of the selfish ass shit you've done you cheated on her and didn't even think about it do you not think that's selfish you wanted her to stay up even though she was tired just so she could hear you complain do you not think that's selfish we all see how y/n treats you and she would never do something to purposely hurt you that girl is in love with you and for you to say something like that to her to the point where she took off her engagement ring then you know you fucked up y/n used to come in my room while you were on tour and she would go on rants about how much she wanted to marry you and have more kids and just watch how much you change and become a good man but you aren't changing and i'm going to help y/n see that she deserves better than you wether it takes me until my last breath you're a sorry excuse of a man if you could stand there and degrade her in front of all of us like it meant nothing to you how would you feel if you were in her position you'd feel like shit and like everything is your fault when all you've been trying to do was your best and satisfy the person you love she would never have done that to you kobe and you know that you could've waited until she woke up to talk to her about what was wrong with you but apparently that wasn't good enough you had to make sure we all knew what was going on and y/n is right don't ever compare her to some bitch you brought home with you after a fucking tour to us she's just a roadie that y'all brought along for a quick fuck you deserve everything bad that happens to you because you're a shitty person that doesn't deserve shit good in life

ida walked out slamming the door shut and kobe threw his face back in his hands crying again after a while he walked out of the room and stood in front of y/ns door asking himself if he should go in he was hesitant at first but he decided to go in he slowly opened the door calling her name and when she didn't answer he walked all the way in seeing clothes all over the floor and some of her clothes and shoes missing with some of kings clothes missing also so he jogged downstairs and walked up to mike

Kobe: y/n where is she
Mike: she left


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