part 44

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the game continued and mike won so y/n looked around then she silently got up grabbing her stuff and ran to the car once mike noticed he ran behind her and the closer she got to the car she realized she didn't have the key so she ran around the parking lot laughing until she got tired so she sat on the ground still laughing until mike caught up to her

Mike: nah i get to see how long you can last
Y: i never shook on it
Mike: nah too late a deal is a deal now when we get home i expect you in my room naked on all fours on the bed of course
Y: no you weirdo i'll be in my room fully dressed emphasis on the fully and i'll be sleep under my cover on my side maybe on my back depends on how i'm feeling
Mike: we'll see
Y: mhm now unlock the doors
Mike: get off the ground
Y: no i don't trust you
Mike: why not
Y: move further away from me then wait ten seconds before you walk to the car
Mike: alright the doors are unlocked so go
Y: move away and wait ten seconds
Mike: fine

mike backed up then once y/n got up she started running to the car until mike came running also and then picked her up running around with her while she laughed trying to get down

Y: mike put me down before i pull your hair
Mike: i'm good
Y: i'm never trusting you again
Mike: i don't know why you trusted me in the first place
Y: because i thought i could
Mike: well then let this be a lesson to you
Y: haha i hate you put me down

mike put me down while i hit him upside the head and he started laughing then we walked to the car and got in driving to a restaurant and walking inside i didn't know where or what the place was because mike chose it when i was taking a nap in his car but it was very pretty once we went in the waiter told us to wait while they found us a table when they came back they told us they had a table for us so we went to it and i sat down while mike sat in front of me

Y: hmm if i didn't think this was a date before it's definitely a date now
Mike: or it's me being nice
Y: it's a date
Mike: me being nice
Y: ok well thank you bestie for this lovely day of you being nice
Mike: y/n
Y: what pal i'm just acknowledging the fact that this was a very lovely day with my bestie
Mike: k

the rest of the time i tried to talk to mike he ignored me yes i knew what i was doing was irritating him but oh well anyways once we ordered and ate mike paid for the food and i paid the tip then we got in the car and drove to the house when we got there even though he was mad at me on the way to the door he held my hand once we walked through we looked and saw everyone else in the living room sitting down but we went into the kitchen and i sat on the counter while mike had his hands on both sides of my thighs talking to me

Mike: so do you wanna go back in the room or are you ok out here
Y: since you're talking to me again then i'm fine out here
Mike: are you sure y/n
Y: yea i can't hind from him forever
Mike: alright hop down

mike grabbed my waist as i jumped off the counter then we walked into the living room i sat down first on the couch and mike sat down on the floor scooting back so the back of his head was in between my legs and i was messing with his hair while looking at the tv

Ava: finally you guys came downstairs or home same difference
Mike: we couldn't hide forever
Omar: y'all use to hide until we forced y'all out so if y'all wanted to you could hide forever
Mike: whatever
Kenzie: can we know why now
Y: why what
Kenzie: why y'all will stay hidden together until the other is ready to come out

when she asked mike got quiet and had his head down so i tapped his shoulder and he looked at me then shook his head telling me it was ok to tell them before i did though i signaled for him to get off the floor and he laid on the couch burying his face in my lap and wrapping his arms around my legs

Y: when mike was younger well his dad walked out on him and that day we didn't know because we were in the room all day playing so that's why we stay in the room all day when one of us is hurt because when it's just us in the room with each other then we don't know what's going on with anyone else and the only thing we know about is the fun we're having or what we're doing so when we do find out it softens the load
Vaughn: why didn't y'all tell us
Y: it's not my business to tell so i always waited until the day mike said he was ready
Kobe: so since his dad didn't love him enough to stay then he has to take you away from me since he knew i loved you he probably left because of you anyways

mike didn't even say anything he just looked at me and i can tell he'd been crying then he got up and walked upstairs

Y: are you kidding me right now why would you say that to him that is so fucked up kobe


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