part 189

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the rest of the walk home i didn't speak to corey i was so upset not at him just at the fact that he was leaving i was hurt not gonna lie it was just something different about corey from every guy even kobe it was just like a spiritual connection but now he's leaving but once we made it to the house i went straight to my room getting undressed and taking a shower then a few minutes later corey got in with me but i ignored him until he spun me around and put his hand on my back

Corey: stop ignoring me if i could stay i would i wouldn't think twice about it shit if i was willing to die for you then that should say a lot but i love you y/n with everything in me i'd never would've thought i would find someone like you but i did and it hurts me that i'm leaving just as much as it hurts you i promise you one day i'll be back there's no place i'd rather be than with you but it just can't happen right now baby
Y: i love you too and i know it can't happen that's the part that's bothering me and two years might not sound long for you but it's really long for me corey
Corey: it'll go by faster than you know
Y: yea because two years always go by fast right

i rolled my eyes then moved away from corey getting out the shower and wrapping myself in a towel then stepping into my room sitting on the bed

Corey: i don't know what i can do or say to make you not mad at me
Y: you can stay

corey smiled then went up to y/n picking her up and sitting her on his lap

Corey: y/n i love you i know that and you know that i've stayed with you ever since i met you not once did i think about leaving and not once did i and not once did i ever think about cheating so it's pretty clear that you're who i want it should also be pretty damn clear that if you don't stop acting like a baby then i'll give you another one now one day the stars will align in our favor and you'll find your way back into my arms but until that day i'll always love you from afar i promise to love you no matter what and my love will only grow for you until i come back and put a ring on your finger
Y: where are you moving to
Corey: new york

y/n put her head down and just started messing with her fingers and soon tears started coming down her face and she was completely in tears so corey hugged her rubbing her back while she cried on his shoulder

Corey: i know it's my fault this is all happening i should've never made you fall for me knowing one day i would have to leave but i wouldn't have wanted it any other way when i met you i knew i was gonna always love you even when i didn't want to and i'm going to miss you so much that it's going to hurt but all because i'm twenty eight hundred miles away doesn't mean that you won't be on my mind as if i just saw you i'm in love with you baby and it would mean so much to me right now if you said something
Y: i love you too and i'm going to miss you so much i don't know what to say i don't want to wait two years until i see you i fell for you so hard and now you're leaving just like everyone else
Corey: i don't want to leave
Y: i know you have to but that doesn't make it hurt any less
Corey: i know and i'm sorry but can you stop crying i feel shitty enough about the situation
Y: i'm sorry
Corey: it's ok now if you don't mind i don't want my last day with you to be full of tears so can we go bake something and just act like i never told you about this
Y: fine

y/n wiped her eyes then got up up walking downstairs with corey as he pulled out the baking products she just stood off to the side just spacing out and fighting back tears then corey threw flour at y/n snapping her out of her mind

Y: really
Corey: yea really now do some about it

y/n smiled then grabbed the bag of flour and throwing it all over corey soon they were throwing flour all over each other and laughing while running around the house then y/n plopped down on the couch and corey plopped down right next to her

Corey: i love you y/n
Y: i love you too corey

corey turned his head towards y/n so that they were just looking at each other

Corey: it's crazy i finally meet someone exactly like me and now i have to leave them
Y: like you said one day the stars will align in our favor
Corey: look who's all positive now
Y: i can cry tomorrow when you leave
Corey: don't miss me too much
Y: is that even possible
Corey: true but you sure know how to leave a mark on peoples lives y/n
Y: and so do you corey
Corey: ugh i love your sexy ass so much
Y: yea i'm gonna cry all day tomorrow

corey smiled then placed his hand on the side of y/ns face wiping her tear then she did the same to him

Y: look who's crying now
Corey: and look who's still crying

they both laughed then leaned in kissing and hugging each other until they fell asleep in that position


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