part 52

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it's been a month since everything has happened and my baby bump is showing me and kobe are best friends again mike has a girlfriend and she's so pretty she's also now my close friend her name is davine she's so sweet i can tell she really likes mike and that boy loves her i'm so happy for him even though me and kobe are on good terms he's still been drinking like crazy and trying to start fights i always had to calm him down when he would snap at random people trying to fight them well today we were all downstairs messing around and playing when kobe walked out with his keys i already knew he was about to go get drunk i shook my head and just kept talking to the others as hours past i got a call from kobe and i rolled my eyes before stepping outside

Y: kobe come home
Kobe: i want to talk to you
Y: well you can if you come home kobe
Kobe: kobe doesn't want to go home
Y: i don't have time for this today call me when you're sober
Kobe: don't hang up on me y/n
Y: why not kobe
Kobe: i need you
Y: i'll call you later

before kobe could say another thing i hung up the phone and went back into the living room sitting down i was just talking to the others when i got another call from an unknown number this time i don't know why but something was telling me to answer this call and do it immediately so i did

Officer: hello this is LA PD i wanted to call you in regards to kobe morris
Y: um what about him
Officer: he got into a really bad crash he's being transported to the hospital as we speak but we aren't sure if he's going to make it he's really hurt

with each word the officer spoke it felt like i was being punched over and over tears were falling down my face faster than i could think i ran inside putting on my shoes and grabbing my keys with the others looking at me like i was crazy i ran out the door getting in my car and driving off i didn't care if i had on my pjs all i could do was beg that kobe was ok my mind was everywhere i could barely see i didn't want to be a single mother i couldn't be a single mother i was tearing apart with each thought slipping through my mind once i made it to the hospital i ran inside almost falling until a doctor caught me and i thanked her about to run off again

Doctor: woah slow down where are you going
Y: i'm here for kobe morris have you seen him is he ok
Doctor: follow me and i'll pull it up on the computer i just need a few minutes
Y: i don't have a few minutes i need it now please i need the information
Doctor: ok calm down i'll check quickly

i hurried behind the doctor while she looked up on the computer then she looked back up at me and the next thing that she said made my head spin so much she said "he's in a really critical condition you might not be able to see him until tomorrow or never" i looked at her with tears streaming down my face so much that they were falling on the floor in small puddles

Y: don't fucking say that don't say that ever again he's going to make it i know he is why would you say that you sick bitch
Doctor: calm down ma'am
Y: fuck you why would you ever say that to me i need him he can't leave us alone
Doctor: what do you mean us
Y: me and his baby
Doctor: i'm sorry ma'am we're going everything we can you can sit in the waiting room and i'll keep you updated

i shook my head not even feeling like fighting anymore and i went into the waiting room sitting down just crying and crying soon mike called me and i told him what happened with my voice cracking after every word he then hung up and in ten minutes him and the others including my parents who apparently came after i left were now infront of me

Mom: aww my poor baby

my mom came and hugged me while i cried and cried her or my dad had no idea i was pregnant and i didn't know how to tell them that wasn't my priority right now anyways though i only cared about kobe

Devyn: calm down y/n
Y: devyn don't fucking speak to me
Devyn: what's wrong with you
Y: are you blind or are we not in a hospital with doctors talking about kobe might die what do you think is wrong with me devyn
Devyn: he cheated on you anyways
Y: so he deserves to die are you kidding me i don't care what anyone says i'm in love with that boy and i'm not going to sit here cool calm and collected while he fights for his life
Devyn: you're embarrassing yourself even being with him
Y: i don't care i really don't fuck you and anyone else who tells me who i can and can't be with i'm 18 fucking years old i can love who i want and i'm going to be with who i want no one wants a grudge constantly held over there damn head like a never ending mistletoe i'm going to be by kobe's side no matter how much i embarrass myself and if you don't like it you can always leave i don't like you anyways
Mike: ok y/n sit down it'll be ok
Y: no it won't i can't lose him mike
Mike: i know come on sit down we'll wait for the doctors to come back

i sat down and the others tried to hug me but i pushed them away and threw my arms around my mom hugging her and crying into her shoulder


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