part 16

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y/n picked up her phone seeing kobe calling her so she answered walking to her vanity setting it down

Kobe: hey
Y: what do you want
Kobe: you know there's a dance coming up
Y: yea i know that's all any girl is talking about
Kobe: well do you want to go with me
Y: if you break up with monroe before then i'll consider
Kobe: come on y/n
Y: you have 5 days mr morris make up your mind
Kobe: really
Y: night cutie

i hung up going to sleep but my alarm went off an hour later so grumpy i woke up going in my closet throwing on any random fit and putting on my house shoes on then walking out the house getting in the passenger seat waiting for mike to come out once he walked outside and got in we drove to school as i walked to my locker kobe came in front of me smiling as i kept walking while he walked backwards so he could see my face once i made it to my locker i rolled my eyes and opened it getting my books then closing it shut while kobe still stood next to me

Y: what do you want boy i'm not in the mood today
Kobe: what did i do
Y: nothing but i'm tired as fuck and grumpy so leave me alone
Kobe: my bad for just trying to cheer you up
Y: you know i didn't mean it like that i'm just not in a good mood today and i want to be left alone
Kobe: fine

kobe walked off and y/n rolled her eyes putting in her airpods and walking to class just bobbing her head up and down to the beat once she got in class she laid her head on the desk and instantly went to sleep she woke up to a loud slam and she jumped up seeing the teacher hovered over her with a book in her hands and the class laughing

Y: let me sleep shit i'm tired
Teacher: you can sleep in someone else's class
Y: just a quick nap
Teacher: no now stay up
Y: fuck you and this dumb ass class

y/n laid her head back on the desk but as she closed her eyes the teacher slammed the book down again so y/n got up grabbing her stuff and walking out of class about to head into the parking lot until kobe ran up to her

Kobe: come back in class you can't get in trouble before the dance then i'll have to go by myself
Y: you haven't even broken up with monroe yet
Kobe: yes i have i did it this morning
Y: that was it i told you do and you did it
Kobe: yea that's exactly what i did
Y: please don't tell me you did it through text
Kobe: of course not i told her in front of her friends
Y: kobe morris
Kobe: what she'll live
Y: boys these days i swear

y/n kept walking as kobe walked next to her then once she opened the door she expected kobe to leave but he kept walking with her then she unlocked her doors and kobe ran in getting in the passenger seat while she went in the back seat pulling out a blanket and covering herself with it going to sleep as she was half sleep kobe came and got under the cover so she opened her eyes then pulled back a little when she saw how close kobe was

Y: damn boy move or back up but shit you too close there's no way i should feel your hot ass breath on my upper lip
Kobe: my breath ain't hot baby it stay minty fresh
Y: if your definition of minty fresh is old ass then yes it always does
Kobe: does it smell like it now
Y: boy it smells the same all you did was come closer
Kobe: how bout now

kobe kissed y/n and she kissed back for a second then she pulled away moving him from her while he laughed and she turned around going to sleep hours past as they laid there and someone knocked on the car window opening the door and sitting on them and they both jumped up trying to push the person off of them they saw it was kenzie and the girls plus mike was all looking and laughing

Y: get off bitch
Kenzie: ok ok
Mike: y'all do know y'all slept the whole school day away
Y: good fuck that school
Ida: ms girl i thought you hated "mr morris"
Y: i do he followed me out here
Kobe: then she kissed me
Y: you kissed me ass
Kobe: and you kissed back
Y: because you kissed me you know what fuck off go get in your car
Kobe: sure you don't want to ride with me or ride me
Y: out now leave

kobe laughed and got up getting his stuff then walking out while the others got in the car and talking to each other and making jokes about kobe and y/n while she leaned her head on the door and went back to sleep once they got home y/n dragged herself out the car and they walked through the door seeing vallyk, derek, bryce, and kobe in her living room and she rolled her eyes

Vallyk: you know what time it is so come on
Y: fine

as they walked y/n reached in her backpack throwing on some eyeshadow and lipgloss so she could look a little decent then she let her hair down and they went in the room shooting the movie then they had the kissing scene so they stood there looking at each other then y/n rolled her eyes and gently grabbed kobe's face kissing him while he grabbed y/ns back pulling them together once the scene was over they stayed like that for a little until derek found a blow horn and squeezed it in there ears as they held them yelling at him he was laughing then they edited out the part where y/n rolled her eyes and they finished filming

Y: now y'all can stop coming to my house
Derek: well after seeing the scene with you and kobe i think we'll be around more than you know
Y: yea no bye now
Vallyk: bye

they left and i went in my room laying on the bed watching netflix


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