part 42

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after debating with mattia a little more he walked up to me messing up my hair while i messed up his then we took our clothes off and put them back on inside out after that we put the hickies on and then i did wall sits for what felt like forever while moaning and mattia stared at me making me embarrassed and he wasn't just staring this boy was staring at me like he was in a trance once i was done i went up to him and slapped him upside his head then we waited for thirty minutes before he walked downstairs and i walked behind him while we were walking down the stairs the others were looking at us and my face was turning even redder then we sat on the couch and i texted the gc with me and the boys letting them know about the plan so they showed mattias friend group and the girls so they would know too but when they figured out they looked at me like they felt sorry for me so i just looked at them confused then looked away soon kobe came out of the room with devyn and i looked at them and they looked like us but i knew there's weren't fake so my eyes were watering a little until i blinked it away

Y: i hope y'all had fun
Kobe: we did hope y'all did too
Y: are those hickies real
Devyn: duh why would they be fake

y/n started crying then she ran upstairs covering her face and going her my room making sure to lock the door and she sat in front of her mirror just looking at the tears flow down her face while downstairs everyone was looking at devyn and kobe

Ida: you're breaking that girl
Kobe: what do you mean
Ida: she didn't actually sleep with mattia you dumbass
Kobe: wha- i didn't know
David: even if she did you really thought the best idea is to do the same to her when you've already done it before
Kobe: i- i didn't know
Cohen: yea and you also didn't ask dumb ass
Mike: kobe do us all a favor and stay away from y/n
Kobe: and if i don't
Mike: i'll kill you

everyone just looked at mike while he got off the couch and walked upstairs going to y/ns room and knocking on the door she wouldn't open it until he said it was him then he waited two more minutes until he heard the door unlocking and she slowly opened it once she saw it was actually him she immediately hugged him while crying in his shirt

Mike: it's ok y/n
Y: i've tired mike i really tried
Mike: i know you did y/n i know

y/n wrapped her legs around mikes waist now crying in the crook of his neck he held onto her thighs and walked into the room closing and locking her door again then he sat on the bed with her still on him and he rubbed her back while she flooded his shirt with tears soon he scooted on the bed and laid down then put a blanket over them and turned on a movie once he put on princess and the frog y/n wiped her eyes and turned her head around to watch the movie while mike laughed and continued watching the movie

Y: shut up you know i don't like crying while watching this
Mike: yea y/n i know
Y: and that's why you did it
Mike: yes it is
Y: thank you
Mike: i'm always going to be here for you no matter what
Y: that's why kobe doesn't like you
Mike: kobe can kiss my ass
Y: i love you micheal chong
Mike: i hate when you say my full name but i love you too y/n

y/n and mike kept watching movies while downstairs the others were sitting around now just relaxing watching tv and eating

Ava: can they come downstairs now it's so boring without them
Vexton: y/n and mike coming downstairs after one of them are sad and one of them is comforting the other ha
Omar: that's never going to happen
Jay: they've been like that since we've known them
Mikey: for real if one of them is sad you won't see either of them until at least the next day
Vaughn: the only time they come downstairs is if the other wants to go somewhere
Kenzie: do they come down when they're hungry
Von: they'll starve before they do that
Vallyk: and they've always been like that
Jojo: ever since we met them
Derek: when did that start
Cohen: we actually don't know
David: we don't even know why
Bryce: have y'all ever wanted to ask them
Vexton: we have they won't tell us
Kobe: that's weird
Mikey: shut the fuck up
Omar: mikey
Mikey: what no one was talking to him
Devyn: come on kobe let's go in the room
Kenzie: yea bitch go in the room and open your legs again
Derek: i've never heard kenzie snap like that
Ava: me either damn girl

while they were talking mike and y/n were upstairs still watching movies until mike sat up so y/n sat up also and he put his arms around her back

Y: can you lay back down please
Mike: how are you feeling now
Y: uhh i don't know sad but i'm ok nothing i can't handle
Mike: are you sure
Y: i'm positive mike you know if anything was bothering me i would tell you but whatever happens i know i'll have you and well if kobe can't see i'm the best he'll ever get then maybe he didn't deserve me in the first place

mike looked at y/n smiling and he bent over so now her back was on the bed and he started tickling her while she laughed and tried to run


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