part 30

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a month past and y/n hung out with cohen when he came until he had to go home but he promised her he'd be back and y/n and kobe have been doing good he told the basketball team about her and she even met kobe parents but last night they stayed up watching movies and playing around soon they ended up falling asleep in each other's arms once kobe woke up it was around four o'clock he just laid there messing with y/ns hair and messing around with her hand soon she woke up and they got ready for school and ended up taking y/ns car when they got there they stepped out holding hands and walking into the building talking to each other and making jokes they saw the group of basketball players and they walked up to them talking to them for a little until y/ns coach texted her saying she had to go to the gym so she could talk to her

Y: i gotta go baby
Kobe: alright i'll see you later
Y: alright i love you

i didn't mean to say that but when i did kobe didn't respond so i quickly walked off ashamed of myself and mad that i let that slip out also hurt that he didn't say it back i went to the gym and talked to coach then while the other players went back to class i went in the bathroom and locked myself in a stall and sat down burying my face in my knees and lightly crying once the bell rung for lunch i forced myself up and went into the cafeteria sitting with the girls

Devyn: hey why weren't you in class today
Y: no reason just had something i needed to deal with
Ava: well are you ok
Y: i'll be fine

kobe and the boys sat at the table but kobe ignored me the whole time even when i tried to talk to him he wouldn't respond i ended up just getting up and going to class early i laid my head on the desk and cried the whole class after class i walked into the parking lot and saw kobe was getting a ride from his friend so i just got in my car and went home he later came and without a word he got his car and drove off i ended up calling cohen again because he's the type of little brother that no matter what he'll never judge me i talked to him for a while and he gave me some advice after i hung up i decided to go to kobe's house so i grabbed my keys and i drove to his house then knocked on his door and his mom answered looking at me surprised

Vanessa: oh hey y/n what are you doing here
Y: i came to talk to kobe if that's ok
Vanessa: um he's upstairs right now i don't know if he's busy or not
Y: if he is i'll leave i promise
Vanessa: no it's fine come in girly

i thanked her then walked upstairs twisting the knob to kobe's room and i stepped in seeing him messing around with monroe i stood there in shock and crying once he noticed me he jumped off of her and put his briefs and pants back on and walked up to me

Kobe: baby i can explain
Y: explain what kobe what could you possibly say to me now
Kobe: when you told me you loved me i wasn't ready to hear that yet and it reminded me of monroe so i ended up calling her and things got out of hand
Y: so every time i remind you of her then you're going to go fuck her right
Kobe: i'm not saying that y/n i just wasn't ready to hear you say those words
Y: then say that kobe but ignoring me all day then cheating on me did you not think i was going to find out
Kobe: y/n i'm sorry you have to trust me
Y: fuck trust kobe you threw that away when you cheated leave me the fuck alone you got who you wanted right on your bed ready to open her legs whenever you say so stay with her and stay away from me
Kobe: y/n wait

i pushed kobe away from me and jogged down the stairs walking out trying to control my tears i got back in my car and drove off going to a park and burying my face in my knees crying with sound of dogs barking and kids playing flooding in my head and the fall breeze washing over my back and the wind blowing my hair everywhere after i got my tears to calm down i lifted my face with a few still falling down and i just looked around before i went back in my car going home and going into mikes room opening my arms and walking up to him he then hugged me back and rubbed my back while i cried on his shoulder and while i sat on his lap like a big baby

Mike: is it about kobe

i didn't respond i just shook my head yes and continued crying i felt mike hug me tighter and rubbed my back some more without noticing i cried myself to sleep and once i woke up mike was asleep beside me i got out of his bed and walked downstairs finding a tub of ice cream and drowning my sorrows in it while watching a rom com crying some more and shoving my face full of ice cream once i finished it all i went back to my room and played music while i rocked back and forth on my bed crying some more i cried in nearly every room in the house even the pool and game room i ended up crying so much that once i was finished it was time for me to go to school i put my hair in a messy bun and wore some baggy sweats and a black hoodie and put it half way on my head so it was only covering the back of my head then i tied my strings so you could only barely see my eyes and i put on my all black vans then i grabbed my keys and walked out of my house then getting in my car and driving to school


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