part 133

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after singing a bunch of songs we made it to the mall and i parked the car then we all got our wallets and walked inside we went shopping to a few places then we walked into the tattoo parlor and ida decided she wanted to go first so while she went she got the matching one then butterflies going up her side and i looked at some other tattoos i wanted to get and i saw the perfect one for me so once ida finished i got the matching once then i showed the guy the other one and i got it on my wrist then kenzie got the matching one and another one on her back that was a dream catcher then i took videos of mine and a bunch of my supporters were asking what it meant so i walked out of the parlor for a second while the girls talked and i set up my camera and went live and i waited for a few more people to join then i showed it

Y: ok so this tattoo that y'all are asking about is a semi-collon butterfly some of you know the meanings behind this but others don't so basically it represents not the end of a sentence but a separate beginning and to go more in depth some of you know about past me the me that didn't want to be here and tried to leave the me that felt like i never belonged anywhere i was and that i was better off dead and i'm not telling y'all this so y'all can feel sympathetic for me i'm telling you because i hope to raise awareness and be someone's voice on things like this i hope to change someone's mind and make them truly believe that they belong here just like the rest of us everyone on earth is precious and you're here for a reason you just have to remember that and there's people out there that love you even when you don't think it but after a while i found my purpose and i'm changing and starting a new sentence i'm my life and the butterfly attached to it represents the freedom i have now that i realized my worth so just know if i ever get another tattoo it's not going to be meaningless it's going to always have a reason behind it like kobe's neck tattoo that says more love more pain he got it from recent heartbreak and i got mine from trauma and feeling worthless but i promise it's always worth it in the end

i stopped talking for a while and wiped the tears that were coming down my face then i looked back into the camera

Y: well that's the meaning behind mine and then y'all know me, ida, and kenzie got a matching one with our names in it but anyways i love you guys and remember that you're loved and each and every one of you mean so much to me i promise you but i got to go i might go live tomorrow but if not then i'll post a picture for y'all so i can talk to y'all in the comments bye now

i ended the live then i got myself together and walked back into the parlor seeing the girls still taking videos of their tattoos

Y: i literally made a while live gave a whole speech and everything and y'all are still not ready to go
Ida: hold on one more video

i rolled my eyes and went to the guy paying him and he told me how to treat my tattoos to make sure they don't get infected so i said ok then once the girls finally finished they paid and the guys talked to them then we left and went to the food court sitting down and i got on instagram seeing tiktokroom posted about my live

i rolled my eyes and went to the guy paying him and he told me how to treat my tattoos to make sure they don't get infected so i said ok then once the girls finally finished they paid and the guys talked to them then we left and went to the food c...

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liked by kbreeezo and 1989827 others
tiktokroom: y/n went live and told her supporters the meaning behind her new semi-collon butterfly tattoo in hopes to spread awareness

kbreeezo: proud of my baby
y/n.girl: aww i love you^^
supporter: she really touched me and motivated me to keep going
y/n.girl: i'm so glad to hear that you've got this i promise you aren't alone and i just followed you^^
supporter: AHH THANK YOU SO MUCH^^
trulyboyjojo: y/n has come a long way
cohenmuse: very proud of what she's doing
mattiapolibio: she really opened up and showed the side of her that most influencers would be too scared to show i'm proud
kairicosentino: the tattoo is so cute tbh
cherrychy: k
kenzie: you hate on anyone that has the guts to do what you can't get a life^^
supporter: so proud of her that's why she's my favorite stan
y/n.girl: aww thank you babes just followed^^
*load 898639 more comments*

after i replied to a few people and followed some of them the girls came over to me and hugged me from both sides

Ida: why didn't you tell us the meaning first
Y: because my supporters asked first so they deserved to know before y'all and their like my online family
Kenzie: that's cute but i like our tattoos
Ida: same they're cute
Y: we're officially stuck together for life
Ida: fine by me
Kenzie: wouldn't want it any other way
Y: ok now i'm hungry so let's get something to eat
Kenzie: ok now that's something i can agree with

we got up and walked to panda express and ordered our food then they gave us a card number so we waited on the side for nearly thirty minutes until they called our number then we got our food and sat back down at our table talking and eating then jaiden, kay, and dejuane came up to us and jaiden came up behind me and hugged me

Jaiden: aye i saw your live i'm proud of you
Y: thank you
Jaiden: so what y'all doing for the rest of the day
Y: uhh chill in the mall for a while then probably go and play laser tag
Jaiden: aight you care if we join
Y: i don't but it's up to the girls
Ida: y'all can join
Kenzie: yea the more the better
Dejuane: aight bet

Jaiden: aye i saw your live i'm proud of you Y: thank you Jaiden: so what y'all doing for the rest of the dayY: uhh chill in the mall for a while then probably go and play laser tag Jaiden: aight you care if we join Y: i don't but it's up to the g...

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the matching tattoo but their name instead of love^^


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