part 80

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Kobe: no you aren't killing anybody babe
Y: why not
Kobe: because that's illegal
Y: true true alright well then let's just go downstairs
Kobe: why
Y: i just want to go downstairs jeez
Kobe: ok

i walked downstairs with kobe and when he sat on the couch i went into the kitchen getting a bag of grapes and pacing back and forth past melissa

Mike: y/n what are you doing
Y: oh nothing
Ida: kobe why did you let y/n come down here
Kobe: she said she wanted to
Mike: if she said she wanted to then it was for one reason
Vexton: exactly y/n is sneaky as fuck
Jay: for real i- oh shit guys

the boys turned around and the next thing they knew y/n was on top of melissa punching her in the face with grapes scattered all over the floor and melissa kicking and screaming for someone to get y/n off of her

Mike: kobe you're so clueless sometimes
Kobe: what i genuinely thought she just wanted to come down
Vaughn: so should would get her off
David: no let her stay for a while we if we take her off now she'll just run back and fight her again
Ava: so what do we do until then
Kenzie: i don't know but i'm hungry
Von: then you're going to have to wait we can't leave her that long she'll try to kill her
Angel: while y'all over here talking me and cherry have tried to move y/n off of her for the last three minutes and she won't stop
Mikey: ugh i guess it's been enough time
Diego: you think maybe we should wait one more minute
Ida: sounds good to me
Cherry: no she's going to kill her
Omar: fine but y'all are such party poopers

soon the boys stopped talking and went grabbing y/n off of melissa and she still tried to run back but they made her go upstairs so she did it she slammed her door and sat down on the floor tapping her foot over and over until ida walked inside

Ida: ok calm down babes
Y: i'm fine i just want to punch her again
Ida: she learned her lesson trust me
Y: ugh is it bad i want to break her neck
Ida: you're a fucking psychopath babe
Y: literally shut up
Ida: anyways what's up with you and kobe
Y: i put the ring back on but i can tell he's acting distant it's just usually kobe is always around me and near me even when i fight someone you know he's usually right next to me and the first one to pull me away but it's weird you know
Ida: yea well go talk to him
Kobe: talk to who
Ida: um well i'll leave and let y'all talk it out

ida walked out the door and kobe came sitting on the bed next to me just staring at me

Y: um i need to talk to you
Kobe: ok
Y: well i feel like you're being distant
Kobe: why
Y: i don't know it's just that usually you're always around me but you haven't been since i got back
Kobe: and
Y: and i feel like you don't love me anymore
Kobe: dude
Y: what
Kobe: you know i love you and that's never going to change i just feel like we need space from each other no i'm not saying i don't want to marry you anymore because i still do and i really still love you i promise i just think it's best if we take some time to ourselves and make sure this is really what we want you know
Y: oh yea i guess

i didn't know what to say i just started grabbing my stuff and moving it to a different room while kobe walked downstairs i was taking my stuff back and forth between rooms until i finished hours later i sat on the floor in my new room just blankly staring at the wall not with thoughts in my head just blank minded i was hurt but if he needed space then i would let him have it even though i didn't want space because i just wanted kobe and i wanted to be with him all day everyday day but soon the sun went down and it was pitch black outside and i stood in front of the window looking out of it and thinking soon i felt tears falling down my face and i wiped them with my hand accidentally making them smear on my face and i sat down on the ground crossing me legs and crying again i don't usually cry over dumb shit but i felt like no matter what kobe said about him still wanting to marry me i felt like he doesn't and he just told me he does because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings i started feeling sad and not like a normal sad it was the kind that made me feel like i didn't want to do anything i just wanted to lay around and cry it was a kind of sad that i haven't felt in a very long time i just wanted to disappear and never come back after a while i was face first on the ground just crying while my tears made a puddle on the beautiful marble floor then i heard the door open and i slightly turned my head then turned it back

Y: what
Mattia: are you ok
Y: no i'm going to shoot my self
Mattia: um i hope that's a joke
Y: take it whichever way makes you feel good
Mattia: well uhh you look like that one emoji where the person is just standing there

i laughed a little and then turned my head back to the side looking at mattia smiling with tears still falling down my face

Y: i really hate you


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