part 190

678 35 30

once y/n and corey woke up he went upstairs packing his bags then they drove to airport and once they made it he grabbed his things then walked inside with y/n waiting for his flight to be called

Y: so this is it huh this is how our story ends
Corey: it's not ending it's just a to be continued
Y: yea you're right
Corey: hey this is gonna be hard with me being half way across the world and i don't want to do this but i want you to move on y/n
Y: don't tell me you're saying what i think you are
Corey: i'm breaking up with you but it's not because i don't want to be with you because that's a lie it's because i can't expect you to just wait for me for two years that's not fair and it's not right of me to ask you for something like that i rather see you happy even if it's not with me
Y: corey you really don't have to do this i can wait
Corey: i know you can and i know you will and that's the problem i don't want you to wait i want you to move on and live your life as if i never existed
Y: you're asking a lot from me right now and i don't know if i can do it
Corey: if you don't do it for me then please just do it for yourself be selfish for once in your life and put yourself ahead of others ahead of me who knows maybe you'll find someone you love more than me someone who makes you happier than i ever could and when you do just know i'm gonna be cheering you on every step of the way every day
Y: i don't want you to leave corey
Corey: and i don't want to leave but i have to and both of us know that you're the best thing that ever happened to me y/n and i'm always going to remember that just never lose that beautiful smile that i was blessed enough to wake up next to every morning

y/n and corey had tears streaming down their face so fast that they were hitting the floor faster than they could blink then the flight attendant called coreys flight and y/n grabbed his face kissing him and he kissed her back as they stayed like that for what felt like forever then they pulled apart and she hugged him until the attendant gave the last call for his flight so he pulled away from y/n

Corey: i love you so much y/n
Y: i love you too corey so much

corey kissed y/n one more time before he walked off to his plane while y/n watched and soon he was gone leaving her standing there completely in tears then she walked out getting in her car and closing the door then laying her head down crying some more once she lifted her head from the wheel she looked in the passenger seat where corey had been sitting and she saw he left his jacket so she picked it up hugging it and crying even more

Y: why'd you leave me

by the time she stopped crying she covered his jacket full of tears then she laid it down in her lap and drove to her house when she got there she parked her car then got out going inside and straight to her room laying on her bed and snuggling with coreys pillow drowning that with tears too

Cohen: um can i come in
Y: cohen i really don't want to play right now
Cohen: i came to check on you y/n are you ok
Y: no but then again nothing goes right for me
Cohen: corey was right for you but shit happens y/n
Y: i just wanted him to stay cohen that's all i wanted that's all i'll ever want why am i so emotional is he crying like i am it's like almost deep down i knew it wouldn't work but i went for it anyway in hopes that my mind was just running because of past experiences but i was right corey was too good to be true
Cohen: do you believe in guardian angels
Y: yea
Cohen: well think of corey as that he's your guardian angel that was put on earth to never find you but always be there watching and waiting but he ended up bumping into you and y'all fell for each other but God knew he couldn't keep corey around you for too long or y'all would get too attached so he pulled him out of your life before it was too late sometimes the people we think are best for us just aren't but if it's meant to be then he'll find his way back to you that kind of love comes and goes it always does but if you and corey love each other as much as y'all say then even if y'all move on y'all will find each other again because that's the thing about love it's powerful and that shit will pull you in like a strong tide if you aren't careful just live for yourself and if things go y'all way and y'all end up back together then congrats and good job but until then you gotta be your own person and live for you

cohen walked to y/n hugging her tightly and she hugged him back just as tight then after a while he walked out while y/n sat on her bed going through pictures then the sun went down and the moon came up so she walked outside to her balcony standing there looking at the moon and talking for hours as if corey was standing right in front of her the whole time she spoke but in reality he wasn't there he was almost twenty eight hundred miles away


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