part 45

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Kobe: what it's true he took you away from me because he couldn't stand the fact that you were starting to love me more
Y: one kobe you're the reason we aren't together right now not mike and two i'll never love you more than mike he was there way before you were so stop disrespecting him and talking to him like that because he said nothing to you this whole time and for you to say that when he's around is so fucked up have you ever thought that maybe it's smarter to keep some of your opinions to yourself i really can't believe you said that to him until you apologize to him don't talk to me

i hurried up the stairs going to mikes room and knocking on his door he wouldn't open it so i kept begging him to let me in i heard him speaking to me and his voice was cracking and it broke my heart hearing him upset so i sat on the ground crying and begging him once again to let me in once he opened the door he sat on the ground with me and wrapped me in a hug while i hugged him back ten times harder

Y: i'm sorry he said that to you i really am bubba i didn't know he would ever say something like that to you i promise i stood up for you because i'm sorry no one should ever have to hear that it's not your fault your dad left he left because he couldn't handle the responsibility and that makes him a coward you're strong because you're there for your mom and brother like he wasn't you're such an amazing person and i'm so proud of who you have become we came a long way mike we really have and i'm not going to let anyone ruin that i don't care how much i love someone married or not no one will ever come before you well unless i have kids but that's hopefully not for a while but i love you mike and i'm sorry for what he said but i promise you i'm always going to be right by your side

mike looked up and he grabbed y/ns face and smashed their lips together they were on the floor making out until mike got up picking y/n up and carrying her in the room making sure to close and lock the door behind them while downstairs everyone was going against kobe

Ida: bruh i don't care how much you think you love y/n you don't say no shit like that to someone you really thought she was going to agree with you when she's known that boy her whole life why are you so against him yes you might not like their relationship but why would you ever think saying something like that to him is ok
Kobe: i didn't mean to say it the shit just slipped out
Ida: exactly so that means you wanted to say it anyways which is even more fucked up because why is that the first thing you want to say to someone when you hear that news
Kobe: i was jealous ok i'm fucking jealous over their bond and it made me upset seeing them come in here together and him all on her i miss her yes i fucked up but that doesn't mean i want to see her all up on someone else
Omar: so you want to cheat on her and break her heart but you don't want to see her move on
Cohen: and you also thought saying something hurtful to one of the guys she loves the most is going to help you get her back in any type of way then you're crazy
Kobe: i'm going to do what's right and i'm going to apologize to mike but i'm doing it tomorrow if i do it today then it's going to seem forced and half ass but i need it to be sincere if i'm ever going to get y/n back
Devyn: so what about me
Kenzie: now you can be honest with her kobe
Kobe: alright well devyn i only used you for a quick fuck sorry not sorry also i only want y/n because like i told her i promise i'm going to marry her and i mean it

they kept talking until the others walked off going in there rooms to go to sleep it was around three am when y/n walked into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of orange juice then sitting on the counter

Kobe: why are you up
Y: jeez you scared me i'm up because i can't sleep
Kobe: oh
Y: why are you up is the real question
Kobe: none much i'm just not tired
Y: oh
Kobe: i don't like this
Y: like what
Kobe: how awkward it is between us we use to be able to have conversations about anything now it's like we're just meeting for the first time again
Y: i'm sorry i just don't know what to say it was different at first since we were dating i didn't have to worry about who was making you smile or keeping you up at night but now i do
Kobe: so you're up because you miss me but what about mike
Y: me and mike are best friends yes we do some things best friends wouldn't normally do but at the end of the day we know if one of us finds happiness then the other will be happy for them
Kobe: when i made mike upset did y'all do anything
Y: i made out with him but i promise that was it after we watched movies until he fell asleep we didn't do anything because i told him about how much i missed you
Kobe: if it's ok with you after i apologize to mike tomorrow i would like to take you somewhere to apologize to you too
Y: uhh sure kobe
Kobe: well until then do you wanna maybe sit in the living room and talk and just watch movies or something you don't have to it's completely your choice but i would like it if you did


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