part 141

737 35 5

after a while derek called me so i got in my car and drove to go pick him up which took me around two hours when i got there he was inside the car blasting music so i opened the door and turned the car off then took the key

Y: boy get your ass out
Derek: fine damn i'm getting my dream car though right
Y: yes derek you are
Derek: bet

i rolled my eyes then me and derek got back in my car and drove him back to his house then when i got back to mine i parked my car and since kobe was upstairs i set up some things and since he was finally twenty one i put alcohol out for him yes that means he underage drinks and we still do but that's not the point right now but after i put that out i decorated the house and called some people to come tomorrow so we could throw a party for him then once everything was decorated i walked upstairs and laid down in the bed with kobe and the kids then leilani rolled to me and i laughed then picked her up sitting her on my lap and i sat king next to me

King: can i pick the movie
Kobe: no you can leave though

i laughed then snatched the remote from kobe and gave it to king

Kobe: wow my birthday is tomorrow and this is how you treat me
Y: shut up nerd
King: are we going to grandmas house tomorrow
Y: yea you are
King: yay i love grandma
Y: and she loves you just as much hey while y'all are there do you promise to be nice to your sister and take care of her for me
King: i promise mama
Y: thank you you'll be her little night in shining amour
King: no i wanna be here jungle rescuer
Y: why do you love the jungle so much
King: i don't know it's just so cool
Y: well how about this what if i take you to the jungle for your birthday
King: are you serious
Y: so serious but whenever i need you to be strong then you have to ok
King: ok ok ok i promise mama i'm gonna do it

i ruffled kings hair then kissed his forehead and he leaned his head on my arm picking a movie then once he picked it he got under the cover and i handed him his apple juice and he started drinking it and watching the movie while i fed leilani then once i was done i burped her and she fell asleep then i looked over at kobe who was watching the movie

Y: i'll be right back ok i'm gonna put your sister in her bed
King: ok

king moved over and laid on kobe while i got up going into leilanis nursery i gave her a bath and changed her diaper then i put her in her pajamas after that i put her conditioner on her hair then i laid her down in her carriage handing her mr gubbles which is her bear that has my first teddy on the foot after that i turned off the lights and turned on her cloud lights and walked out closing the door behind me when i came in king was now sleep so i picked him up and did his night routine then laid him on his bed and put the cover over him then i kissed his head and turned his led lights on before walking out and closing the door then i turned off all the hallway light and went back to my room finally sitting down

Kobe: how were they
Y: quiet like usual
Kobe: so what's planned for tomorrow
Y: none much i'm probably gonna sit around or go out with the girls you know
Kobe: oh alright

kobe got under the cover and turned to the side and when i touched him he would move away from me so i smiled then shook my head

Y: baby i'm kidding
Kobe: mhm
Y: what time is it
Kobe: one
Y: well then happy birthday bitch come on i'll show you what's downstairs
Kobe: fine but watch your mouth
Y: yea yea

kobe got up and so did i then i grabbed his hand and took him downstairs covering his eyes then i turned on the lights and moved my hands and watched as he looked around

Y: see i'm not gonna let you be bored tomorrow so chill out
Kobe: thank you
Y: but i didn't get you any gifts i'm sorry
Kobe: baby you being with me is the best gift i could ever ask for
Y: aww stop

i hugged kobe then i pulled away and kissed him once he kissed back i let go of him

Kobe: ok so it's my birthday right
Y: yea why
Kobe: does that mean i get birthday sex
Y: mhm

y/n laughed and kobe picked her up and turned off the lights then carried her upstairs once they got up he walked into the room turning the lights off and closing the door while derek was at the house talking to the others

Davine: a lambo
Derek: yes she bought him a fucking lamborghini
Vexton: how much was it
Derek: three hundred fifty thousand dollars
Mattia: shit she must really love him
Derek: that's not it though
Mike: what else
Derek: she let me drive it and speed in it
David: fucking lucky
Derek: she also said since i did that for her she'll buy me my dream car for me and kenzies anniversary so sorry babe but you're gonna have to stay with me at least until then
Kenzie: i planned on it but dang ok
Omar: did she text y'all about the party too
Cynthia: yea she did
Mikey: well imma go get some sleep because i know i'm about to get shit faced drunk and dummy high so goodnight

soon everyone started going to sleep and back at y/n and kobe's house it was completely silent and everyone was sleep and the house was pitch black


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