19: The Fuckening The Sequal

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You jerk up awake to the cries of your second favorite blonde boy. You snap your head to the left and see it was just Zenitsu.

'BLONDE BOYS LOVE THE TUB' You miss that meme, you wonder if you still have it in your gallery.

"We go through this every single day!" Aoi scolds, "You're the most severely injured, Zenitsu! Take your medicine this second!"

You smile at him before throwing the covers off your body. You sigh through your nose as you push yourself off your bed slowly. You make your way to Zenitsu's side.

"Good morning, Zenitsu!" You smile.

"(Y/nnnn)!" Zenitsu sniffs as he reaches his arms to you, "I have to take that nasty medicine again! It's so gross!"

Zenitsu's short arms and legs made him shorter than you, and it made him so much more adorable! Dacryphilia wasn't a kink of yours, but Zenitsu was just a cute baby with those tears!

(What do you think Dacryphilia was????)

You grin before taking his face into your hands and play with his chubby cheeks.

"Awww! You're so cute, Zenitsu!" You cooed.

He bursts into a red hue and tries to avert his eyes, "(Y-Y-Y/n)!"

Aoi didn't show it, but she was thankful that you got him to stop crying. Every time he needed to take his medicine, you were always quick to distract him and it really made her job a lot easier. But Aoi knew that you didn't do it for her, she could tell you just genuinely liked and cared for him.

"Here, Zenitsu." Aoi hands him the cup.

You both look over to her. You let go one of Zenitsu's cheeks and took the cup. You used your other hand that was on his cheek to pull his chin down softly.

You grin as you held the cup up to his lips: "Say "Ah"!"

You didn't think that Zenitsu could get more flustered, but you were Boo Boo The Gosh Dang Fool. Zenitsu's face was hot to the touch as you helped him drink the medicine.

"Tanjiro, your medicine is right over here." You hear Aoi say.

"Here you go." Kiyo hands Tanjiro a cup of his own.

"Thanks." Tanjiro smiles.

Tanjiro wanted you to do that with him too. Why don't you do it with him? Did you just not like him enough for that?

Zenitsu pulls away from the cup to shout at Tanjiro, but you took his chin again and held the cup to him.

"Please, Zenitsu!" You plead with a smile.

Zenitsu stumbles with his words before giving up. He huffs and opens his mouth again so you can feed (What's the liquid equivalent to the word feed? Feed is for solids, but what do you use for liquids? Too Questions Scientists [and authors] Can't Answer) him the medicine.

You smile again, and you were about to comment on his willingness before you heard a familiar voice.

"You seem to be doing well!" Murata pipes up.

You all turn your attention to the familiar Demon Slayer.

"Murata!" Tanjiro greets.

You beam at his presence and hand Zenitsu the medicine before rushing to him.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now