31: Good Evening, Rengoku-San!

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You know what sucks about your friend getting hit with futon beaters in the middle of the night because he can't keep up Total Concentration Constant during his sleep?

It's that you are constantly waking up to "KYAAAAA!", and "BAM! BAM! BAM!" and "BLEHHHHHH!"

And it scared you.




You ended up sharing the same room with Genya per your request because you couldn't fucking sleep! Genya had been a real sweetheart about it, and you even showed him your phone! He was so excited about it and he was so cute and he was so baby!

Tanjiro got butt-hurt (Ass-troubled, if you will) about you switching rooms and had taken up a (Bad?) habit of fake crying just so you could hold his head to your titties.

You don't know how to feel about that yet.

Zenitsu and Inosuke finally took up participating in the training again and caught up in just 9 days!

Proud times.

You haven't been visited by Sekido after that night, though. In fact, the mark was almost completely gone.

Right now, you were in your new room lying down on your bed while listening to some instrumental music. Genya had left, probably for a check up since he mentioned Aoi's name, so you were alone.

When was the last time you had time to yourself? They boys always needed you for something every second.

"(Y/n)! My arm hurts!"

"(Y/n)! I need more blood!"

"But (Y/n)! I don't want a robot arm!"

Okay, the last two were never said, but still.

And it's not like you really minded, you didn't! Maybe it was because you never really had that many friends before back home. You had like, 5 friends at most. But they weren't the friends you would text at night about weird shit.

Stuff like:


You: Hey lmao look at this meme


You: I microwaved a butterfly when I was 9 years old. And I think that butterfly's ghost haunts me when I'm taking a shit.

And (F/n)... Now that you remember what he did, you definitely didn't consider him a human being. So now you were down to 4.

But your new friends here, they always seemed to enjoy your company. They always searched you out when they just wanted to relax. Even with the language barrier, they spoke to you more than your old friends. So, you didn't really mind when they bugged you. It felt really good to be needed.

You were just so tired! You just wanna nap!

You sigh through your nose as you close your eyes.

Today has been relatively quiet, maybe you will get that nap-



But alas, 'tis was nothing but a distant dream.

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