22: Be A Bro And Don't Break The Code

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(Y/n)'s Period: Day 4

You tried to hide yourself from the world in embarrassment the moment you entered the ward and threw yourself on your bed.

Tanjiro accidentally kissed you! Then he most definitely purposely kissed you! He cupped your fucking cheek and everything!

You thought his flirting was because of your mood swings, but.... was he really interested in you?!

You can feel yourself frowning at the thought.

No, he can't like you.

Wasn't the manga setting Kanao and himself up? If you remember correctly, Kanao actually becomes interested in him later in the series. So Gotogue was most likely planning for Tanjiro to gain interest in her too.

And besides, it was Tanjiro. He's so kind, and smart, and strong, and considerate; he's Tanjiro. He's not supposed to like you.

Let's just say, Tanjiro shows more interest in you. He flirts with you, you flirt back, you both gain romantic interest for each other.

Tanjiro would tell you something cheesy like: "I couldn't have done this without you." Or "I can't imagine my life without you." Something along the same lines of "Not/Couldn't/Can't without you."

Something romantic as that because he's Tanjiro.

And you could never be truly satisfied with that. You could never truly be happy in a relationship like that.

Because you know it's not true.

Tanjiro could do anything without you.

Tanjiro can live his life without you.

You know, because you've seen it.

You've seen him succeed without you. You've seen him live his life without you. You've seen him go through his everyday life without even entertaining the idea of you.

And in the end, things were okay. People have died, yes. People have lost others precious to them, yes. But they got rid of Muzan without you.

Could you be in a relationship like that? When you know the other person would've been just fine without you? Because you've seen them do just fine without you before?

Ugh, your period is making you depressed. Where's Aoi? She needs to hurry up.


Aoi had shown up a little after you got to the room to give you a check up. You started cramping a bit, so she had given you some painkillers which worked wonders. Then Zenitsu and Inosuke came in with a tired aura.

Zenitsu wanted to practice more English with you, which prompted Inosuke to unintentionally see it as a challenge. So, now you were teaching them greetings and an occasional meme and vine.

You were sitting on your bed in the hospital ward, Zenitsu and Inosuke were sitting in front of you.

It absolutely devastated you that Inosuke did better with the memes and vines. You were kind of scared he might pick fights with a Pillar and call them a 'Stupid Ass Hoe', but then again...

How fucking hilarious would that be?

"Hi, my name is (Y/n). And you are?" You spoke very slowly and made sure they could see the way you pronounce each word.

"Hi," They spoke simultaneously, "my name is Inosuke/Zenitsu. And you are?"

You grin at their speaking.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now