8: In This World, It's Milk Or Be Milked

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The next 3 weeks was a fucking hell.

Not only was Inosuke very persistent in teaching you how to use a breath, or make one of your own (He insisted that it was easier to just make one for yourself, but you beg to differ.), but Tanjiro would sometimes train you in secret as well. And by that, you were training during the night.

Then Zenitsu, when you were taking breaks from training, he would offer you help as well.

You had to admit, you preferred his method the most. You guessed it was because he understood better than the other two how hard this was, so he was very patient with you. But at the same time, he set goals for you that challenged you and at the same time were in your range of abilities.

You always used Tanjiro's nichirin blade when you trained with the boys. Inosuke's blades were too dangerous for you with their chipped sides.

At some point, you had an alarm set in the morning so you could get used to waking up early again. And everytime the alarm went off, one of the boys would try to destroy your phone so they could go back to sleep.

They even took turns everyday to try and assassinate your poor phone. Tanjiro went first, then Zenitsu, then Inosuke.

When you weren't training, you were teaching Tanjiro English the best you could, sometimes Zenitsu and Inosuke would join as well.

Tanjiro and Zenitsu tried so hard to teach you the basics of Japanese, but all three of you ended up crying at your own stupidity (At least, you and Zenitsu were.

Tanjiro cried because he thought he was a horrible teacher. Which, according to the manga, he actually is a pretty bad teacher. But you were also just stupid.

You learned basic phrases necessary for when out onto the field killing demons. Like "Hurry", "Stop", "To your left", "To your right" etc. Inosuke would teach you insults for you to say to Tanjiro and Zenitsu.

Unsurprising anyone (only Tanjiro), the insults were the only things you could say right and the easiest for you to remember. Tanjiro tried to scold the boar child for tainting your pure soul (Sure...Tanjiro...), but Inosuke was having a field day when he heard of this, so he couldn't care less.

And when you weren't teaching or being taught, you were using your free time to train on your own.

The last part really fucking surprised you.

You had never even made the effort to study for school, or to do your homework. This was much more taxing than anything else. Yet here you were, in the early 1900's, training yourself VOLUNTARILY to learn how to use a breath and to swing a sword.

You learned that you actually did better without a sword. You had a strong swing when you punched, and your leg muscles were strong too. You thought about maybe learning martial arts, but you did need a nichirin blade to kill demons. So you didn't entertain the idea as much as you wanted to.

You remember in those 3 weeks, you wrote a will as a joke, but now you are seriously thinking about updating it.

You guys were going to leave for Mt. Nata-something soon today, and you were so nervous.

You and Nezuko were in the spare room you were originally supposed to sleep in, the boys were getting their last check up. You sat against her box in your robe, Nezuko sitting in front of you in her smaller form. You were braiding her hair upwards, and on top, sat the rest of her hair which took forever to make into a bow.

You were so proud of it, you were about to take your phone out to take a picture of it, but you heard a knock against the floor.

"Miss (Y/n), the doctor is ready to see you now," Your new Grandmother calls.

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