57: The Truth Come Out: Does (Y/n) Is Clairvoyant?

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A/N: Kudos if you get the reference in the title.

Next chapter is THE chapter. If you know, great, if you don't, then I oop-


"Okay, I'm going to the Wisteria house," You warn, "It's gonna get more uncomfortable because there's a lot more Wisteria flowers, so I'll try to hurry inside."

"Alright," Sekido responds from inside the box.

The sun had just set when you arrived at the town. You were so fucking tired, and you really needed to change your fucking pad.

You noticed that this town in particular had a lot of Wisteria flowers around. And there weren't many people outside either. They must all be aware of the existence of demons, and are taking precautions at night.

You could rest up for tonight, then ask around for the demons tomorrow. There's not a lot of people out right now to talk to anyway.

Tu Cielito comes back to sit perched on your left shoulder as you walk towards the gate to the Wisteria house.

Every hour or so, she'd leave your shoulder only to come back after a few minutes. You figured it was so she could do her business, but you'd honestly expect her to just leave you be once you got to the town.

But an hour ago, she had left and only now just came back. Maybe Tu Cielito had a date with a fine bird her age. Or something...

You were about to knock on the gate, but it opens before you could make contact.

On the other side was a middle aged woman with blond hair and blue eyes. She had a black and red robe on her body with a lot of cleavage showing.

If you knew if homosexuality was acceptable in this time period, you'd definitely flirt. She was really fucking hot... if she didn't smell like your mother after a long smoke.

"You're the Slayer the parrot informed me of? (L/n) (Y/n)?" The woman asks monotonously, eyeing the parrot.

Oh, Tu Cielito went to notify the owners that you were coming. That's why she was gone for that long.

"Yes," You nod, "That's me."

She eyes your kama before sighing and pushing the gate wide open.

"Get in, then. You must be tired," She said, "My name is Ena Akina."

You smile and offer her a short bow, "Thank y-"

"-Just get in." She yawns, "The sooner you get settled in, the sooner I get to sleep."

Aight. Respect.

You walk in and follow Akina quickly towards the building. The house was pretty simplistic, and the volume of Wisteria flowers in this small Estate was astronomical.

Poor Sekido.

"I was told you were to stay with another Demon Slayer," Akina says, "So you'll be sharing a room with him. I can always arrange a separate room if you want, though. He looks like he would stab you as a warning. Seriously, he needs eye drops."

You never realize how Tanjiro and the others made the effort to dumb down their words for you to understand until this woman started talking to you.

"Uh, okay."

You just hoped she didn't suddenly tell you her grandmother died.

Akina leads you up the engawa and down the hall. You two stop at the second to last door where the light was shining through the paper sliding door.

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