7: I've Been Breathing The Wrong Way, But Honestly, What Else Is New?

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A/N: The song Tanjiro was trying to refer to was "You Are The Reason" by Calum Scott


Ever since you played Gurenge on your phone, they've been constantly pestering you to play other types of music everyday.

Which you honestly didn't mind! It was so endearing to watch them faun over it, and it made you happy that they liked your taste in music. Maybe it was only because this was so new to them, but it still made you feel proud.

Anyway, you had to tell them the passcode for your phone so they could use it when you were busy with hanging out with Nezuko or when you wanted to nap. And you even showed them step by step (It took 3 days for them to get the hang of it.) on how to go to the settings on your phone to change the language settings to Japanese, and how to turn it back to English once they were done.

They had a fucking field day with that, so impressed and amazed at the mysterious black box that you cherished so much.

Your phone was always in good condition when you got it back, and you never saw anything out of the ordinary, so you trusted them enough to just let them go wild.

But then...they found your gallery.

Your memes...

Oh God....


You had 2 different albums filled with memes, both were over 1000 pictures in each. They were separated by reaction memes, and the other was just...

It was beautiful to you, but very concerning and questionable to the three boys.

Surprisingly, Tanjiro really liked your collection of reaction memes. Pointing to the more sad ones and laughing. He probably found them relatable, which made you S O B because Tanjiro was baby and he needs love.

You fell asleep early today, letting them do whatever they pleased on your phone.

It was the middle of the night when you were woken up by Tanjiro shaking your shoulder. You woke up confused. They never bothered you before when you were sleeping while they looked through your phone. So you were a bit worried they had broken it.

Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu were shifting nervously, purposely not making eye contact with you. You four sat down on the floor, the three of them facing you. They changed the settings back to English for you before handing over the phone.

They had found your private album.

You had no idea how they found it, they needed to draw in a pattern to unlock it. And if they failed after 3 tries, it'll reset and delete your album. The lock screen to the private album had no doubt told them in the warnings.

You yourself actually forgot the pattern some time ago, it's been about a year since you've seen what it held.

Your private album was labeled "Don't Forget Them!" (You cringed at that. You were such an edgy teenager.).

There were 23 pictures, each of them had a small title and a little summary in the details. They were pictures of your friends. Old friends, new friends, great friends....forgotten friends, dead friends, and current backstabbers.

The album was labeled "Don't Forget Them!", and when they saw this, the boys (Tanjiro and Zenitsu reading it to Inosuke) thought they had discovered something they weren't supposed to. They read (Tanjiro and Zenistu reading it Inosuke again) all the titles and summaries for each photo, feeling guilty about going through something so personal without permission.

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