5: I Thought You Were American

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"I won't have it! I won't have it! I won't have it!" Zenitsu cries, "You can't go, Shoichi! You're powerful, Shoichi! Shoichi is the one who's gonna protect me!"

You and Tanjiro were trying to get Zenitsu to let go of the poor boy, but you were harshly reminded that you had the muscle strength of a blade of grass. But even those fuckers were a bitch to rip apart.

"Can't you see Shoichi doesn't want to stay?" Tanjiro reasons.

"Please don't leave me behind!" Zenitsu sobs.

"You stop that right now!"

Tanjiro chops the side of Zenitsu's neck and it absolutely annihilates him.

You take your head into your hands at the sight of Zenitsu slumping forward.

"You just fucking killed the man!" You cry dramatically.

You were only joking, but Tanjiro couldn't sense the sarcasm in your voice, and apparently couldn't smell the sarcasm from you either. You made it look convincing that you were actually scared for the blonde's life.

You were acusinng him of murder, weren't you?! Oh God, were you scared of him?! Is that what you were saying?!

"N-No! (Y/n)!" Tanjiro flails his hands in the air, "It's okay! He's okay!"

He lifted Zenitsu's arm up from the ground, waving his limp hand in the air: "See?!"

You both stared at each other in awkward silence. You were the first one to break the silence with your laugh. You shook your head at Tanjiro's confused face.

"It's okay, Tanjiro!" You held up the "okay" sign with your hand.

He smiled in relief before dropping Zenitsu back on the ground without a care.

"Hold out your hand!" The crow squawks at the eldest son of the younger kids.

The crow threw up a purple pouch into the boy's hand.

You gaged, that was fucking gross.

"Ugh, disgustang!" You imitated that scottish lady from that one vine.

"This will ward off demons," The crow informs, "You with marechi, keep that on your person!"

"It smells like wisteria." Tanjiro says to the kid.


"It's a flower that demons can't abide," Tanjiro explains, "You should hold onto that."

"Demon repellent!" The crow adds, "Demon repellent!"

"We're truly grateful!" Kiyoshi smiles, "We can get home on our own."

You smiled at them, giving those youngsters a lazy salute. You're kind of concern that these kids will be walking home alone when the sun is about to set.

"Take care, now!" Tanjiro waves at them.

You can hear from behind you that Inosuke rammed his head into another tree, you try to stifle your laugh.

"Now then, follow me!" The crow orders, "Follow yours truly!"


"Fight me!" Inosuke shouts.

Not even 15 minutes later, Inosuke was shouting at Tanjiro to fight him.

You had offered to Tanjiro before that you wouldn't mind carrying that box if he was going to carry Zenitsu. And by that, I mean you were desperately trying to mime with your hands and body for a good few minutes before Inosuke had most likely told Tanjiro what you were trying to say.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now