107: We Can Dance Among The Stars

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A/N: Have this Sekido art I made specifically for this chapter


"So..." You awkwardly start, "You come here often?"

Damien smiles in amusement, "No, not really. But I was in the neighborhood, so..."

"Really?" Hariko frowns, "So what took you two so long to help out? What were you two even doing?"

Damien looks at Sekido with a knowing look.

"Well," Sekido clears his throat, "I can tell you what we weren't doing."

"Oh, my God," You facepalm.

"No! Nothing like that!" Damien laughs, "Sekido wanted to come up with a one-liner for me before we helped."

Everyday you stray further from God's light.

"I... don't have the energy for this." Iguro, the old man that he was, sighs, "We'll leave the Wisteria House later tonight since we can't travel with them during the day. Getting those escorts to safety was surprisingly an easy task. But dealing with the men there..."

"Yeah, by the way, what did you, Takati, and (Y/n) do with those men?" Sekido asks, "Damien and I couldn't find a single dude when we search for escorts after that battle."

You, Iguro, and Hariko look at each other for a moment.

You click your tongue, "Well..."

Iguro and Hariko run after the men who tried escaping the scene.

A maniacal laughs tears out of your throat, kicking the Reyes in the dick with your high heel.


Reyes tries to get up, but you roundhouse kick the fuck out of him.


"Couldn't find them." You shrug your shoulders.

Iguro and Hariko very purposely look away when you say that.

"We'll rest now so when we travel in the night, we can hopefully reach the next Wisteria House by sunrise. Then after another day of night travel, you, Sekido, and maybe Damien should be at the Rengoku Estate just before sunrise." Iguro gets up and walks to the door to leave your room, "Damien, you will sleep in my room. Sekido, you'll share a room with Takati since you can be trusted more than Damien."

The boys get up from the floor and follow Iguro's lead.

"Actually, Iguro," You speak up, "Can I speak to you? I want to ask you something that I've been meaning to ask for a while now but..."

He almost wanted to say no and go to sleep, but you haven't (recently) given him any reason to give you the cold shoulder.

"Sure, whatever." He turns around and moves out of the way so Hariko could leave.

"Are you gonna be okay alone with him?" Sekido asks with concern, stepping back into the room.

"Yeah," You smile, "Come back later, though?"

Sekido nods and pushes Damien out of the door so he wouldn't be nosy. Then Sekido closes the door so you're alone with Iguro and Kaburamaru.

You move from your position on your knees to sit cross legged, adjusting the yukata to properly cover your front. Iguro sits the same way across from you, Kaburamaru slides down his arm and reaches out to you (Much to Iguro's dismay, you're sure).

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