12: Where's My Epic Background Music?

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You force yourself to hold back on struggling against the demon's hold. Holding your skirt up so you didn't flash anyone, you stare at the demon with an owlish look, heavy tears streaming down your forehead and into the water due to gravity.

"You...You um...you think you can um-you think you can uh...ah...um...You think you can uh...can you uh...can you let uh...let me um...let me down? Ah, pl...ple...please?" Your voice shook in fear, as did the rest of your body.

A small voice in the back of your head told you, you were starting to hyperventilate, that you needed to calm down.

But you can barely hear that little voice because an even louder little voice was screaming, "YOU FUCKED UP! AND NOW YOU'RE GONNA DIE!"

As you stare into the abyss that was the demon's eyes, the abyss seemed to stare back.

You hear a war cry from besides you and a splash of water. Looking to see where that came from, you see that Inosuke had jumped up and slashed his blades at the demon, but he missed completely.

The demon swipes his arm at Inosuke, but Inosuke wasn't planning to hit him, right when he swung his blades, he drops them and reaches his arms out to you.

You were extremely surprised when you felt no resistance from the demon when Inosuke took you.

Inosuke had rolled you two in mid-air so that his body was the one to hit the water. You hurry off him and take both his nichirin blades in your right hand, standing up to help the boar child up himself. He grunts in pain as he stands, taking you by your left wrist and start running.

You two ran out the water, and in a quick motion, Inosuke leans down to grab your backpack from the ground before you two continue to run.

"Tontaro would be pissed if he knew I didn't try to save you!" Inosuke huffs as you two run into the forest, "Even though he said I don't have to, I get pissed thinking about letting you die before I can teach you how to say the word 'Fuck'!"

You ignore Inosuke as he rants, probably complaining how Tanjiro just left you two alone when you can't do shit to protect yourself.

You suddenly yanked Inosuke to the right, hiding behind an old and twisted tree. The trunk seemed to curl around in on itself, so you prayed that this would buy enough coverage to treat Inosuke.

You drop Inosuke's twin blades soundlessly, trying to control your breathing. You look at him with terrified eyes, pushing his shoulders down so he could sit. Inosuke stares at you silently but compiles.

You take your backpack from him, unzipping the largest pocket and ruffling through the bag. You huff in annoyance as you open a smaller pocket from inside to pull out your phone.

You turn it on, for a moment the screen was too bright but the auto-brightness kicks in quickly, lowering the brightness down. You didn't have time to unlock your phone, so you just quickly pulled down the notification bar and tapped on the Flashlight icon.

It was a little hard to do that, though. You were shaking so much you keep almost dropping your phone.

The bright light coming from the back of your phone startles Inosuke, but he made sure to keep quiet. You direct your light back into your bag, finally finding your rolls of bandages. You pull one out and made a biting motion to Inosuke, pretending to bite into it. Inosuke hesitantly took off his mask before bringing the roll to his mouth.

You two hear loud footsteps coming closer.

You double tap your screen and the flashlight turns off with a delay.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now