1: Fuck, Am I Screwed?

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A/N: There's something I wanted to address here and now since recently I can't even go into the comments without getting so annoyed that I want to curse out every single person who is guilty of this.

In most, if not all, of my reader insert stories:

The reader is American: Half Mexican, and Half whatever nationality YOU want.

You don't have to like this, in fact, you are more than welcome to stop reading.


I'm getting so sick and tired of reading the comments in the first few chapters saying "oh but I'm not American" and "I'm actually Chinese/ Filipino/ British/ etc" and something along those lines.

Let me tell you right now: I do not care. It's so annoying wanting to read the comments so I can reply to some people and all I see is THAT. Do you understand how frustrating and discouraging it is?? It's just so annoying and I have half a mind to just delete those comments, the only reason I haven't is because THERE IS TOO MANY OF THE SAME COMMENT THAT IT TAKES UP TOO MUCH OF MY TIME!!

Please, just STOP commenting that! If I see a new comment in a similar caliber, I WILL DELETE IT!

I didn't think I'd have to remind you all about something like this, but it's gotten to a point where I just hate reading comments from the first few chapters.

The reason I even made (Y/n) American/Half Mexican was because I didn't want her to be boring, or just an empty shell. I tried that at first, but I was becoming unhappy with how she was turning out. That's why it takes a while for me to even say she's half Mexican.

Like I said before, you do not have to like this. You are more than welcome to stop reading.


"My sex life is not depressing!" You scoff at your male friend.

You and your good friend, (F/n), were in the middle of a forest, (Wait, where even was this place?) talking about the many escapades you two most certainly never had. You don't remember how the topic of interest even got to this point. But you remember it started with you teasing him about a rubber duck and him being alone in his room for hours.

"You don't even have a sex life," Your high school friend replied.

"Well, you're not better off, you know," You sigh as you stand up from the ground to stretch.

"Wh-What would you know, huh?!" (F/n) blushes in shame.

"I know or a fact that you suck in bed."

You, absolutely did not know this for a fact, but it hit a nerve.

(F/n) scowls at you, but says nothing. You almost feel bad for what you're about to say.

"Okay, so it's probably sad, depressing vanilla sex with the lights off and your socks on. I wasn't going to bring it up, I swear. But you did use my duck, so I think you deserve this," You reach out your dominant hand to help him up.

He rolls his eyes, accepting your hand before you pull him up on his feet: "That's so considerate of you."

"I'm a fucking angel." You grinned.

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