(Y/n) (L/n) Sings All Of The Words In The English Language

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Crack Chapter calm down

A/N: Y/n and Sekido radiate the Animaniacs Warners (Yakko, Wakko, and Dot) energy.

Take this useless chapter while I cry


"English is not easy," You argue, "If you can look at the word yacht and not give up on English, then you are legally the smartest person in the world."

"How many words can there be?" Gerik grins.

Sekido groans in dismay, "You shouldn't have said that."

Everyone in the room (including a late Giyuu) turn their attention to you once you stood up.

"So, you want to know all the words in the English Language, huh?" You smirk, "I'll tell you all of them!"

Sekido drops his head to the table, "Oh no."

"Let's see. There's..."

You take a deep breath before you start singing in the tune of "Mexican Hat Dance".

"Aardvark, abating, abet, abdicating. Abandon, abase and abreast. Ablaze and ablution, abhor and abusion. Abbreviate, abbey, abscessed. Abduct and ablation, abridge and abrasion. Abash and abrupt and abride. Abscond and absentia, absent, absentia. Abdomen, ably, abide. Abominable, abrogate, absolute, absent. Absorbent, abstention, abstraction. Absurd and abundant, abusive, abutment. Acacia, academy, action. Accede and accost and accept and across. And accompany, acre, accord. Accomplish, account and accrue and amount. Acrimonious, active, adored. Adrenaline, adulate, adder and advocate. Advertise, adverse, abrade. Advice, adversarial, advent and aerial. Affluent, after, afraid."

Gerik immediately regrets asking.


It's been more than 15 minutes and Uzui and his wives arrived. You didn't stop singing to greet them, and everyone gave up on trying to stop you.

Uzui was almost impressed.

"Facial and faction and fractal and fraction. And fraudulent, fragrant, frappé. Frankincense, frankish and frakisish, frashhh-Shoot!" You hiss at your mistake but you keep going, "Yadda yadda flambé!"



It's been almost 58 minutes since you finished the letter K.

Sekido was close to tears, Gerik was trying to get drunk with everyone else, Sanemi was kind of tempted to take notes.

You look a little tired, you've definitely slowed down.

"Level and levity, lewd and longevity. Libel, libation, Lanai. Lithium, litigate, legal, legitimate. Liberty, levy and lie. Libation and libertine, limited, limousine. Limpid and limbo and lime. Lima and lipid and literature, liquid. And listing and liter and line. There's lobby and loading and loathsome and loaning. And logo and then locomotion. There's lotus and lottery, lobo, lobotomy. Logic and loosen and lotion. Lozenge and lubber and lucky and lover. And lullaby, lumber and luke. Luster and luscious and lunatic, lustrous. And lurking and lunar and lute."


You had ruined [Christmas] Uzui's party.

You are laying down, still singing.

Everyone has fallen asleep.

Akaza had suddenly snuck in to try and convince you to run away with him, but you weren't done yet.

So he was sitting down next to you in concern as you weakly sing the last set of words.

"Zachary, Zanzibar, zappy and zamindar. Zillion and ZIP code and Zen... Zany and zoning and zeal and zirconium. Zodiac, zombie, zein. Zigging and zagging and zealous and zebra. And zenith and zap and zaffer. Zeppelin and zipper and zephyr and zither. Then zinc and zambini. And zoo and zucchini. And Zulu and Zorro. Then zit and zamoro. And zero and zoom and... uhhh..."

Akaza raises his eyebrows in surprise, "Is that really all the words in English-"



You take a deep breath.




"That was amazing, (Y/n)!" Akaza dramatizes, "Do you know all your countries too or something?"

You groan in frustration, "Yeah, just gimme a second."

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