51: Freedom From A Heavy Burden

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"(Y/n)... " Adam breathes out.

In front of you were all your brothers and sisters; Adam, Johnny, Karina, Rachel, Alexis, David, Kika, Mark, and Oscar.



Wait a damn minute.

"Isn't that my machete?!" You gawk as you point to Oscar.


Oscar throws the machete to the side (don't ever do that) and everyone runs to you. You try to get them to stop, but they just wanted to hug you.

They tackle you into a hug, squeezing the fucking life out of you. You were stuck with your arms to your side as they all squished you in the middle.

It would've been a really sweet, sentimental moment....

If they hadn't stomped all over the bubble wrap.

You all couldn't stop laughing at the sounds, you kept accusing each other of farting and you couldn't keep a straight face. Finally, they pull away.

"Where have you been?!" Adam wail.

"We thought you died!" Kika shouts.

"No, you thought she died, we kept saying she was kidnapped!" Mark corrects.

"Ain't nobody gonna kidnap her! They'd probably return her after a few minutes 'cause she talks too damn much!" Rachel scoffs.

"You think she'd let herself get kidnapped? She'd probably kick them in the dick or in the cunt!" Karina rolls her eyes.

"Oh, true!" Johnny nods.

"You're right!" David snaps his fingers.

"Oh, shit, huh!" Oscar grins.

"UM?!" You smack your chest with both hands twice, "Right here, y'all!"

"(Y/n)! Seriously!" David wipes at the tears that have been wanting to spill, "Where were you for the past two months?"

"Also, what the fuck are you wearing?" Mark asks.

"Is that a fucking Scythe?" Oscar asks in awe.

"Okay. Uh, two things real quick before I answer those," You hold up one finger, "Where's dad?"

"He left to get us food," Kika says, "He should be back in soon, he left like 40 minutes ago."

"Okay, number two. Please give me a minute." You smile at them, "And hear us out first. Please."

"Us?" Adam furrows his eyebrows.

You smile before backing up and sticking your head out the window. Sekido was pacing back and forth, mumbling something to himself, though he was too quiet for you to hear.

"Hey! Sekido!" You call.

He snaps his head up to look at you, "Are you okay?! What happened?!"

"Just come up here!"

"Is it safe?"

"Wh-Oh! Yeah! Yeah, it's safe!" You said, you know like a liar.

"Okay, back up!"

You get back inside and push your brothers and sisters back.

You hear Sekido running and a gush of wind. Sekido grabs the top of the window frame from outside and effortlessly puts his legs through the window. His movements were fluid; he avoided touching the windowpane and landed on the bubble wrap.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now