24: Not Much Has Happened, But You Do Cry Again

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Spoilers? I guess? It talks about Tanjiro's lack of commitment to one breath style because his name is Tanjiwhore for a reason.


(Y/n)'s Period: Day 6

"And then I decided as a serial killer, my name was going to be The Suspense." You rant to Genya, "So my victims would be like, 'Oh no, The Suspense is killing me!' Then we would both laugh right before I kill them."

Genya had no fucking idea what you were talking about, but you had a nice voice and you looked happy talking about whatever it was, so he didn't dare interrupt you.

And even if he did want to ask you what the hell you were saying, he was too scared to speak to girls.

You apparently got tired of holding his very sweaty hand, so you opted to hook your arm around his. He was having a very hard time functioning.

"Hey, Genya," you hum.

"Y-Yes, (L/n)?" He semi-shouts.

"First, call me (Y/n)," You scold lightly.

Genya breaks down, "Uh... I-I uh- o- okay...... (Y/n)...."

"Second!" You grin a bit childishly, "You like Vines?"

"Um... I-I don't know wh-"

"-Well, of course you can't like it since you have no idea what it is, but like... I fucking miss Vine. I have an album of dank ass Tik Toks, but it's not the same as Vines That Toast My Buns, or Vines That Cured My Coronavirus, ya know?"

Genya has no idea what to do when your mood suddenly changes sour. Well, for one, he internally panics, but that was all he had time for when suddenly....

You sniff.

Genya tenses up and snaps his head to look at you.

You had brought a hand up to start rubbing your cheeks that had been stained with a few tears already.

"I-I just miss it so much, you know?" Your voice shook, "And I miss Fr E Sh A Voca Do."

What is he supposed to say?! What does he do?!

"(L-I mean, (Y/n), what's the matter-"

You unhook your arm to pull up the collar of your shirt to wipe your tears off your face. You hide your face in your collar for a moment and take a deep breath; now was not the time to get emotional.

You could break down and cry later when this was all over. Which was like... in a year or two, right? You could totally wait that long. These people had it a lot worse than you, you shouldn't even feel sorry for yourself.

You let your shirt fall to reveal your smile, like you weren't just about to break down because of Fr E Sh A Voca Do.

"Anyway, we're here!" You grin as you stop in front of a large door.

Genya gives you a look of concern as he reaches forward and slid the door open for you before you got the chance to.

You thank him with a grin as you walk in.

Aoi was sitting on a stool at a desk and while trying to open a jar, it looked like she was struggling (She was turning it the wrong way, she'll never get it open at this rate!), though. She looks away from the jar and smiles softly when she sees you.

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