9: Itsy Bitsy Spider Is 'Bout To Catch These Hands

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The forest is a lot freakier on the inside, which really fucking sucks for you.

You noticed Zenitsu hadn't followed you guys. You didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing, you just prayed he'll be okay.

You -embarrassingly- had to cling to Tanjiro because you were scared shitless of spiders.

You could totally survive alone in the wilderness if you needed to. But if you see another GODDAMN SPIDER...you were going to lose your shit.

Inosuke suddenly stopped in his tracks, looking down at his hands: "Huh? What the hell is this?"

You raise an eyebrow, letting go of Tanjiro's haori before wiping away the webs from Inosuke's hands.

You, Tanjiro, and Inosuke look around the forest, seeing all the spider webs and spiders surrounding you all.

"A spider web?" Insouke mutters.

You immediately lost your shit.

"AH! OH MY GOD! THIS WAS A HORRIBLE IDEA! I'M GONNA CRY!" You screech, tears already falling.

"A-Ah! (Y/n)! I-It's alright!" Tanjiro flails his hands to try to get you to quiet down.

You took Tanjiro's shoulders, shaking him back and forward, "WHAT IF I LOSE A NIPPLE?! HUH?!"

"Wh-What are you say-"


Inosuke huffs in anger: "What the hell are you yelli-"

"-INOSUKE!" You let go of Tanjiro to point at Inosuke, "I ONLY HAVE SO MANY NIPPLES! MY NIPPLES ARE LIMITED!"

Inosuke spares a moment to think how you remind him of the blonde right now. Except, you're actually a bit scary when you yell.


They stare at you in a stunned silence as you try to calm yourself down for the next few minutes.

You sniff before wiping your tears on the sleeve of your hoodie.

"So, are we doing this or what?" You look down at your feet in embarrassment.

Tanjiro smiles in amusement at your sudden change in demeanour.

"Are...you okay now, (Y/n)?" Tanjiro asked hesitantly.

Tanjiro wonders if you're hanging around Zenitsu too much. His panic tendencies are rubbing off on you.

"Jeez, if the demons didn't know we were here then, they know now," Inosuke grumbles, "Ugh, this place is full of spider webs! What a pain!"

"You're right."

You look down at the nichirin blade that Demon Slayer you saved had given you.

It was plain, and if you remembered correctly, the blades only changed color if you had enough swordsmanship skills to use a breath.

It was already a generous thing for him to give you the blade, but you kind of wished you had the sheath along with it too. It started to become a pain to hold it.


"What do you want?" Inosuke raised his hands to guard his body.

"Thanks." Tanjiro smiles.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now