124: But What Is Unnatural Sex?

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A/N: Sorry for not updating! I found out I'm pregnant with my 14th child and the father is NOT my boyfriend! Then I had to get married to my fiancé but I ran from the altar when the true love of my life objected during the wedding!

He and I ran away and are finding a place to have our honeymoon!

Anyway, enjoy this chapter!


Nao can tell that Kyojuro has some type of romantic feelings towards you. But from your expressive body language, there's some uncomfortable tension between you two. Especially when Kyojuro would make any sudden movements.

At the moment, you were chatting with the "woman" named Inosuke who was stuck by Kyojuro. While you were talking at a normal volume, Inosuke was forced to lean close to whisper in your ear. According to you and Kyojuro, he stinks at the falsetto and his voice was too deep to talk out loud. Inosuke was a beautiful man too, but Nao had no interest in him.


"I don't think I've mentioned this, but you look very beautiful in your attire," Nao hums a bit loudly.

Nao wouldn't consider himself rude, he just has no general care for people's happiness or self-esteem.

That being said however, Nao respects you enough to believe that your friends must be good people. And if Kyojuro made you uncomfortable, that was enough reason to deliberately get on the blonde's nerves. He didn't care if the other man was the Flame Hashira, Nao has confidence in his own strength.

At the sudden compliment from the quiet brunette, you three turn your attention to him. Your face heats up and Kyojuro could feel his eye twitch.

You point to yourself, "Were... you talking to me?"

Nao hums in affirmation: "Who else?"

"Oh...! Well, thank y-"

"-Indeed, you look beautiful," Kyojuro quickly adds.

"O-Oh, tha-"

Inosuke pulls at your sleeve and whispers in your ear.


"Thank you, Inosuke," You chuckle lamely, "You three look amazing, too."

Why?? The sudden compliments???

Nao holds his hand out to you with a smile, "Let us have a quick dance. Will you do me the honors?"


"Uh, sure," You take his hand, "But uh, I'm not a good dancer. I might step on you."

Nao leads you away from the confused Kyojuro and Inosuke and towards the dance floor where people are currently slow dancing to the music.

"You're being too nice, why?" You question immediately, allowing Nao to place your hands on the proper places of his body.

"Is it a crime to be polite once in a while?" Nao frowns.

"Yeah. Especially when it comes to you."

Nao hums to mask the chuckle wanting to escape, "Perhaps you are right. That man, Rengoku, seems to like you."

"Ah... yeah... I guess so..."

You're not an idiot, and neither is Nao so you can't lie to him.

"But there is an uneasy atmosphere between you two," Nao explains, "I assume you two are on bad terms?"

"No, not necessarily. It's just..." You look down at your feet to make sure you don't step on Nao, but the stupid dress makes it difficult, "Something bad happened and we never got the chance to properly talk about it. I'm not upset with him or anything, but it's hard to pretend that things are okay when they're not."

Nao nods in understanding. Taking a moment to think of what he could say.

"Well, I brought it up because that is why I was being "suspiciously nice". To get on his nerves."


Nao smirks smugly, "Did you not appreciate my efforts?"

"I'm gonna smack you."



The brunette's hand that sat on your hip moves to your lower back. You almost push him away from getting touchy, but then you can feel him press against the hilt of the short blade hidden behind your clothes.

"The demon is coming over here," Nao whispers close to your ear, "He might ask you to dance."

You tense up and grip Nao's arm, "Well, just be mean and say no."

"We can not pass up this opportunity," Nao mutters, "I promise to stay close by should anything happen."

You sigh through your nose, "Fine. Just... Get Inosuke and Kyojuro too, please."

Almost as if this was timed perfectly by the [Author] Gods, the song had finished for this dance as someone clears their throat behind you.

You and Nao look to the source, tensing up when Delmo, the so-called demon, grins at you while offering his hand.

"If it's not too much trouble with you," Delmo looks directly at Nao, "I'd like to have this next dance with (L/n)."

You plaster on your best Customer Service™ smile and nod at Nao, letting Delmo believe that you told Nao it was okay.

"Be my guest," Nao hands off your hand into Delmo's, "I trust you to take good care of her."

"Of course, I wouldn't dare for anything else."

Your heart sinks when Nao starts to walk away, leaving you alone with a fucking clown and a demon.

What's the worst that could happen?

☆*:.。. o(ಠ_ಠ)o .。.:*☆

A/N: Hi, I wanted to address a few things here :)

1.I'm so sorry for this extremely short chapter

2.My Absence

I honestly don't know why it's hard for me to write. I have a lot of ideas and it's not like I'm suddenly bored about Demon Slayer or this story, I just... I don't know. I hope you all can be patient with me. Maybe I'm sad or something and I just don't know it yet. I don't FEEL sad, but I don't know why it's hard for me to just do the things I like doing when I'm not bored of it.

3.The Love Interests

After talking over with two friends (one who reads the story, and one who doesn't), we all decided that I need to remove Inosuke Hashibira :(

So for all of the endings, they would correspond to a song to help keep direction. And my idea for Inosuke was that he'd have a one sided relationship with (Y/n) with the song Heather by Conan Gray.

Yeahhhhh, Inosuke was gonna have the worst ending. He was going to watch (Y/n) get together with Tanjiro because he said he wouldn't get in Tanjiro's way.

There was more (fucked up) reasons why we decided it was a good idea to remove Inosuke, but if I shared it then it would be major spoilers so-

New and Final Love Interests:

Kyojuro Rengoku

Tanjiro Kamado



Sanemi Shinazugawa

NAO IS NOT GONNA BE A LOVE INTEREST 😭 You barely know him I know some of you wanted to get with the rich dilf but NO! NO DILF FOR YOU!

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