47: What In The Actual Fuck

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Now that you had Wi-Fi, you were able to actually go into the apps, rather than being forced out of it every time.

So you check Snapchat first.

The notifications said 31, but really it was 4 people spamming you a million times. They were from your friends; Cole, Hazel, Luis, and (F/n).

(F/n)'s message was from two months ago before you were sent to KnY. As for the others, the most recent ones were from today about an hour ago.

Which only made you nervous since now you wondered if you and Sekido really were caught.

You didn't want to open them since then they would get more worried or try to message you again. So instead, you log out of Snapchat and exit out.

Next, you check Instagram. Last time you checked, you only had 13 messages, now you have 18. You were more active on Instagram, so there were more people who tried to contact you there.

The most recent ones again were Luis, Cole, and Hazel. You logged out of Instagram and exited out.

You checked your missed calls next: you had 77 missed calls. They were all from your brothers, sisters, friends, and your dad. As you scrolled through the history, you noticed one thing.

Your dad has called you everyday since you've been gone. They stopped when your service plan had stopped being paid for.

You sniff and wipe at your eyes so you wouldn't start crying.

Because you're (Y/n) fucking (L/n) and you don't cry.

You went to messenger and checked out the missed messages and calls. You had one missed call from each of your siblings.

From oldest to youngest, there was: Adam, Johnny, Karina, Rachel, Alexis, David, Kika, Mark, Oscar, then finally you.

Too many kids, in your opinion, but what can you do?

You had a missed call from (F/n), and you had a missed call from your dad. You were safe to check out the messages since you had the read receipts turned off for all of them.

The old messages consisted of the same question: Where are you?

The most recent ones from today asked: Are you really back? Where did you go?

(F/n) was apologizing in most of them, the most recent one, which was from today asked: Where are you?

The messages from your dad almost made you cry.

Every morning at 8:00 (the time he leaves for work), he texted you good morning, and that he hopes you have a good day. And every night at 9:30 (the time he normally goes to bed), he texted you good night, and that he hopes you have sweet dreams.

Ugh, your dad was always the sensitive one.

You check the voicemail, it was sent today from your father. You put it on speaker and full volume then press play.

"(Y/n)? David said he saw you at the house. He said you jumped out the window again, which is fucking bonkers since I thought I got rid of all your fucking knives. Did you hide them in your toy box again?-"

(You fool. You thought bitterly. I will always have knives. You can never get rid of them.)

"-Where the hell did you go? David said you jumped out the window, but when he checked outside, you vanished. Where are you? Please, it's been two months, (Y/n). We're all worried about you."

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