97: The Endless Darkness Of The Ocean Is Becoming Tempting To Dive Into

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Original Title: 97: The Endless Mysteries And Darkness Of The Ocean Is Becoming Tempting To Dive Into


"Cole, h-hey! What are you-"

Tears gather in the blondes eyes: "-Just shut up and come here."

You rush yourself to stand up, you pull your skirt down before rushing to give your friend Cole a bone crushing hug.

He yelps at the surprise but he quickly reciprocates the gesture.

"H-Holy fuck, you got strong!" Cole grunts.


"Huh?! English, dude!"


"-Okay-Okay! I'm sorry, I take it back!"

Cole couldn't bring himself to really care anyway. It was a bit awkward since your family was still there watching, though.

But holy fuck, he thought he'd never see you again and you have no idea how much that really pained him.

"Where have you been, you idiot?" Cole rubs your back in an attempt to comfort your sobbing ass, "You're... different now. You have those small scars on your face. Your clothes dude, what the hell? And you're literally built different now."

"U-Um... do you remember (F/n)?" You finally pull away from Cole, this shirt had a wet spot thanks to your tears.

Cole grimaces at the sight, "Gross. But, yeah. You two were practically joined at the hip. No one's heard of him since you disappeared, though."

You and your family collectively sulk.

You drag Cole into your room, "This is going to sound crazy, but I have a long story to tell you."

Cole felt his heart race in his chest, "Oh please, it can't be that bad."


It was that bad.

After a while, your family left to allow you to have alone time with your treasured friend. But Cole was not enjoying any second of your story.

"No way. That's not-It isn't... What?"

"I know," You play with the ends of your haori, "But it's the truth. Any qu-"

"-Are you fucking crazy?"


"Okay-Okay! Let's just assume you're telling me the truth-" Cole stands up in favor of pacing in your room, "-The-Then that would mean that (F/n) almost got you killed! And-And your life is always in danger! And you willingly went back when you had the option to stay!"

You stand up as well, "Cole, you don't understand-"

"-No! You don't fucking understand!" Cole scowls at you and his eyes were glossy with unshed tears, "I haven't seen my best friend in half a year! Six months, (Y/n)! I thought you died!"

Your stomach churns with guilt.

"Then I get a text from your dad at 2 in the fucking morning that you're here! Of course I'm gonna rush over here and you-you're telling me you've cheated death more than once and now he wants a divorce!"


"-How the fuck am I supposed to feel right now?! I don't know how to react!" Cole holds his head in his hands.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now