69: Nice Lmao

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A/N: Lmao we made it to 69 y'all!

Drop a quick Nice ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) to celebrate

Alternative Title -

69: So Here's What Happened







You turn your attention from Kyojuro towards the door that has been slammed open.

Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Sekido, and Tanjiro come running in with tears rolling down their face. Inosuke had tears escaping the boar's hide somehow.

They come charging towards your bed, of course Inosuke jumps up and gets on the bed with you. You made sure to shift your right foot away so Inosuke wouldn't accidentally crush it.

You were at the Butterfly Estate in an empty hospital ward. Kiyo, Naho, and Sumi had made sure the windows were closed and had lit a few candles earlier. They didn't tell you the reason why before, but you understood now.







"Everyone." Kyojuro manages to silence them with one word, "One at a time, you don't want to overwhelm her."

Kyojuro was sitting on a stool by your bed. His left hand was in both of yours, letting you trace and draw invisible doodles on his palm. You've been doing this for a while, for Kyojuro's sake anyway.

Kyojuro hasn't left your side since finding you this morning.

Uzui and Sanemi were off at the Ubuyashiki Estate. You were waiting for the clear from Shinobu so you, Kyojuro, and Sekido can head over to the urgent Pillar meeting.

Though apparently, it was only going to be you, Sekido, Uzui, Gyomei, Sanemi, and Kyojuro. You understood Sekido, Uzui, and Gyomei, but not the other two. Maybe it was because they were your rescue team.

There were times where both Kyojuro and Shinobu tried asking for insight on what happened, but you were insistent that you should wait for the meeting.

Inosuke shifts in his spot from the bed to make room for Nezuko who climbs up on the bed then shrunk down.

She looks at you with her big, sad, tearful eyes, making grabby hands towards you.

You smile and move one of your hands up towards the small demon. This makes her cry harder as she scurries to hug you.

"Fuck, bitch," Sekido hiccups as he climbs on the bed as he shrinks down, "Me too."

You laugh as Sekido hugs you as well.

"(Y/n), are you hurt anywhere?" Tanjiro sniffs.

You shake your head, "No, I'm completely fine-"

At this, everyone hugs you: Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and even Kyojuro again. You blush in embarrassment at the sudden affection. You just awkwardly sit there.

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