129: If We Have Each Other

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"Mr. (L/n)...? Mr. (L/n-"

"-Hm? Oh, sorry (Y/n)." Seán, your father, sighs and forces a smile, "What is it?"

The girl with (e/c) eyes raises an eyebrow, "You okay? You've been out of it recently."

Seán gives her a smile and looks at her with suspicion, "You're not even in my class, (Y/n)."

(Y/n) puts the stack of papers down on his desk, "Yeah, but I still come in here a lot. And you used to be my teacher. And you're still my favorite teacher."

"Aw, how sweet."

"I dunno, I thought you might be... I dunno."

Seán looks away from (Y/n), but his heart panics when the dark skin girl is no longer in his vision. But he has to force that anxiety down. Because it's... it's not really... real.

"You know, my youngest daughter has the same name as you," He admits a bit quietly, "Your eyes are the exact same, too."

"Oh, really??" (Y/n) grins with excitement, "What's her name??"



"..." Seán raises an eyebrow, "I'm sure you can take a guess."

(Y/n) only looks at him, confused. And it only takes her literally 30 seconds before realization takes over.


"Funny, you guys have the same amount of stupidity, too."

(Y/n) smacks her lips and rolls her eyes, "Yeah, whatever."

Seán jerks his head towards the classroom door, "Go before a house drops on you. Lunch is gonna end soon."

"But... you didn't tell me what's wrong..."

Your father has to hold back the urge to groan in frustration. Not because he was afraid about hurting (Y/n)'s feelings, but because you would always scold him about doing that. It was a horrible habit of his.

"Uh..." Seán rubs his cheek before he uses both hands to rub his face, "Okay. Um... I... I lost my daughter recently, and tonight all my kids are coming over so we can... just be together for her..."


(Y/n) immediately regrets asking, feeling bad about forcing her favorite teacher to speak about it. She wonders if it pains him to even look at her, and that's why he wants her to leave. He never rushed her before.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Mr. (L/n)," The 8th grader shifts on her feet nervously, "If... If it helps at all, you can call me by my last name from now on."

"...Thank you, Jones." Seán clears his throat before looking at her, "Keep this to yourself, yeah?"

She nods.


"Pa, dónde estás? Todos ya están aquí."

"Dame una hora y estaré con todos ustedes." Your father answers through the phone.

"Eh? Por qué??? No es esto más importante? Dónde estás???"

Seán stops in front of one of the graves in the large graveyard. He grunts quietly when he sits down in the worn out patch of grass: the place he often sits at.

Adam spoke the most Spanish out of all of you. Seán thinks it's because of Adam's wife, since she only speaks Spanish and Adam's gotten into that habit.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now