The End of an Era (for now lmao)

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Hi hi! I'll get straight to the point- I'll be ending this story here, and start the NEW book and publish it mid-February, or early March at the LATEST!! I'll update the news in THIS book, THEN mark it as completed. At the end of this announcement, I will have a brief summary of what I had planned for the end of the story in the form of bullet points. Look for the long "——" that divides this chapter and you should find what you're looking for.


Hello hello! After much consideration and thought, and including the votes on both Wattpad and Quotev, the results are finally in! Drum roll please!!!

*insert drum roll please*

I will be ending this book now as it is, and begin writing the new/update version from the very beginning. THIS BOOK WILL STAY UP AND PUBLIC!!! I will just be making another book as of today, and hopefully get maybe 4-5 chapters done soon, but don't quote me on that because I plan to take my time.

The votes were surprisingly evenly split, with most on Wattpad preferring if I continued, and most on Quotev preferring if I just started over now.

I decided that... hopefully a good compromise is if I started over now, while sharing the ending(s) I had planned out for THIS story. I won't overly go into detail, but I'll share it all in the form of bullet points and such.

Thank you all so, so, so fucking much for staying with me during this, and thank you so, so, so fucking much if you're interested in reading the new version that will be out soon. It overwhelms me (in a good way) just thinking that some of you will return for the new version, and that you even want to keep reading this story. I cannot express my gratitude, love, and appreciation enough; I don't know the words to use to express myself without sounding repetitive or disingenuous.

Ironic, isn't it? As an Author, shouldn't I be good at this by now?

And, I am so, so, so fucking sorry to those who really wanted to see this in its entirety, and I am so, so, so fucking sorry that I ended it this way. I am just so unhappy with the direction this is going, and there's so much I wish I could change, and so much I wish I could take back. But I knew I couldn't because that would be so underwhelming, and it would defeat the purpose of the emotions I wanted to convey: love, fluff, pain, and maybe some horny parts, too.

If I could just take back those moments and pretend they never happened, then what was even the point in writing in it in the first place?

So, I'm apologizing and telling you all this, in the hopes that you understand why I can't accept this version of the story as the TRUE version that I will definitely be happy with this time.

Most things will stay the same: [Y/n], her family, some/most of her past, her ethnicity, the Masturbation Speech, and the overall plot.

Some things will be different: The way I write, [Y/n]'s mental space (it's definitely going to be a lot happier), some characterization, MAYBE the love interests (MAYBE, no promises), a few key deaths, all the filler chapters (so many that can easily be merged into one chapter or just removed/changed all together) and.... [F/n]'s name!

God, what was I thinking??? "[F/n]" 🙄 I'm going to draw up a proper character this time, and will take suggestions for a FIRST name (because his last name is "Sukan" according to my Obey Me fanfiction {yes this is a shameful plug}. Actually, I think I only did it for a "Sukan deez nuts" joke...)!

Another thing I was always scared to write on, was the topic of sex and such with the characters. Even though it's a completely normal part of life, and it really shouldn't be something to be ashamed of/shaming for, I always felt hesitant about it because some people will be saying shit like: "but he's a minor" and "isn't MC a minor??"

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