54: Unnecessarily Bittersweet Goodbyes

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After Sekido regained consciousness, you all went back to the big room. Kyojuro was fiddling with the puzzle box with a concentrated look.

You almost felt bad when Kyojuro thought he was about to unlock it, only to accidentally reset all his progress instead.

Sekido asked Uzui about seeing Ubuyashiki to talk about what you and himself had discovered in your world.

Ubuyashiki, unfortunately, wasn't available when you and Sekido were ready to see him that day. Uzui had said the Headmaster was feeling particularly sick today, so he wouldn't be in good condition to talk about yours and Sekido's adventure back to your world.

A little after Uzui had informed you and Sekido, his crow had come for an immediate mission for him. Uzui actually only really said goodbye to you before leaving in a flamboyant way. Which gained sour reactions and accusations of favoritism being at played.

Kyojuro snaps his gaze up from his box to look at the rest of you with excited eyes.

"I can't believe I almost forgot! I have important news for you all!" Kyojuro beams.

You all turn from your hunched position on the floor. You had open the Lego™ box and were all trying to figure out where to start.

"What is it, Rengoku?" Zenitsu asks.

"I believe I promised you all to make you into fine swordsmen! Though only Young Tanjiro will become my Tsuguko, I will still train and look after you all as well!" Kyojuro sets the box down gently on his lap to cross his arms, "I have already arranged rooms for you all to stay at my place while I train you. So, the sooner we can get going, the sooner we can start training!"

"Wait, you're really gonna train us?!" Inosuke grins.

"Yep! All four of-well, I don't know if Sekido would be able to since he can't exactly walk out into the sun. But I'm sure we can figure something out. And I don't think Nezuko would be up for training either," Kyojuro grins.

"We-We get to stay at your place? We get to leave the Butterfly Estate?" Zenitsu lights up.

"Yep! Of course, you'll come here when injured, but you'll head back to my Estate afterwards." Kyojuro nods.

"What's going on?" You ask Sekido.

"We're all moving in with Rengoku, I guess," Sekido answers, "He did promise to look after us all, remember?"

"Oh shit, huh." You rub the back of your head, "But you and I are going to have to stay here for a little longer anyway. Since we don't have a nice box for you, yet."

"(Y/n)! Aoi, Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho already finished it!" Tanjiro smiles, "They finished while you and Sekido were away."

"Kyojuro, are you sure it is okay?" You furrow your eyebrows together, "I don't want to burden you since Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Sekido are a handful already."

"Well, I'm not going if you're not going," Sekido spoke, choosing to ignore the back-handed comment.

"I wouldn't want to go if you wouldn't go, (Y/n)." Tanjiro admits, "I'm sure Nezuko would miss you, too."

"I've already spoken to my father and younger brother about you five, so we are more than prepared to take care of you all." Kyojuro's smile softens, "You won't be a burden at all."

"Kyojuro's father is a former Pillar," You tell Sekido quietly, "Ask him if his dad knows about you and Nezuko."

"Yeah, Rengoku, do they know about me and Nezuko? I don't wanna wake up in the middle of the night or day and see your dad hovering over my sleeping body chanting prayers before killing me," Sekido rants.

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