115: 'Til Death Do Us Part

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Something, or rather someone, hugs your torso and moves you out of the way. You hear the sound of Kyojuro's blade clashing with the ground and the female demon cursing up a storm at the interruption.

You whine quietly at the pain and squeeze your eyes shut, reflexively grabbing onto this person's broad shoulders. One of their hands cradles the back of your head, while the other is securely wrapped around your back.

"I got you," Akaza whispers, lowering you down to the ground, "I'm here. I'm right here, (Y/n)."

"Fu-hu hu hu!! Well, if it isn't Akaza!" The female demon strides next to a silently crying Kyojuro, "Oh, how wonderful! I have the full set!!"

"How bad is it?" Akaza pulls away to look at your neck.

"I-It's just the skin," You mumble, "Kyojuro didn't mean to. It was just-"

"-Yeah, yeah. I got it." Akaza nods, though it's not like your words helped ease the boiling anger directed towards the blonde anyway, "The demon is weak, no doubt it's taking most of its strength and energy to keep Kyojuro under its control."

Damn, zero respect for the demon and her pronouns.

"We just have to stall for a bit of time," Akaza brushes a strand of hair away from your face with gentle touches, "It can't keep Kyojuro under for much longer."

"If I kill all three of you here, then that man will definitely make me an Upper Moon!!" The demon laughs, "Don't you just want me to succeed?"

"Yes," Kyojuro says almost enthusiastically if it weren't for the slight wavering thanks to his silent crying, "I want nothing more than to see this stupid, weak demon and this whore to die by my hands."


That hurt so much more than it should have; you actually start to cry hearing it from Kyojuro of all people.

Akaza scowls and gently wipes his thumb under your eyes to get rid of your tears.

"Kyojuro," Akaza says coldly while standing up, "You are aware that you're the one making (Y/n) cry, right? I can't ever forgive you for hurting both her heart and her body."

Kyojuro can't ever forgive himself either.

The demon places her hand on Kyojuro's head, "My, my! It seems this human is admired by Akaza! Isn't that wonderful, Kyojuro?"

Kyojuro's eyes return to normal and his gaze immediately falls to you.

Blood from your neck is traveling down your uniform and covering your hand. It's not a deep wound, but it's still bleeding a fuck-ton.

And Akaza.

Akaza had your haori tied around his waist. A small detail that makes Kyojuro bitter for some reason.

If it weren't for that demon, then you would've died by Kyojuro's hands. It doesn't matter that Akaza is a demon and is here; Kyojuro is forever in his debt for saving your life.

Kyojuro didn't have time to attack the demon behind him or to get down on his knees and beg for your forgiveness. His eyes roll to the back of his head once again before they're glowing white again.

His attention turns to Akaza and ready's himself in a stance. Akaza blows out a small puff of air and ready's himself as well.

If he's honest, Akaza is not looking forward to this fight. Maybe in the past, when he first met Kyojuro, Akaza would've been able to kill him. But now?

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