89: Void Of Existential Anguish Black

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On the left side of the table, closest to the outside (from left to right), were you Kyojuro, Sanemi, Gerik, Genya, Inosuke, Zenitsu, Kiyo, Naho, Sumi, and Aoi.

The across from (from left to right), was Sekido, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Mitsuri, Iguro, Gyomei, Ubuyashiki's kids, Kanao, Shinobu, Muichiro, and Giyuu.

Poor, poor Giyuu finally showed up late. Sanemi and Gyomei added another table just to fit you guys in. In the far end of the room where Aoi sat, is where the present people had brought for Uzui. As of now, you were talking about something ridiculous.

"English is not easy," You argue, "If you can look at the word yacht and not give up on English, then you are legally the smartest person in the world."

"How many words can there be?" Gerik grins.

Sekido deadpans: "Didn't we already read this twice?"

"Yeah, Sekido's right," You nod, "Originality is important, we can't crack shit up twice in a row."

Gerik squints at you in confusion, "Huh?"

You rub your hands together with mischievous intent.

Oh yeah.

It's all coming together.


"What does this do exactly?" Genya tilts his head to the side.

"It's a bonding exercise!" Your voice cracks at 'bonding', "While we wait for Uzui, this should keep us entertained!"

"(Y/n)," Sanemi starts.

"Yes, Sanemi?"

"I'm going to kill you."

"Oooh, that's tough. I'm crying on the inside," You spoke monotonously.

Sanemi, Iguro, Giyuu, and Tanjiro we're sitting on boxes in a square. They laid back so that Sanemi's head rested on Tanjiro's lap, Tanjiro's head rested on Iguro's lap, Iguro's head rested on Giyuu's lap, and Giyuu's head rested on Sanemi's lap.

Sekido, Inosuke, Shinobu, and Gerik were squatting by them, waiting for your signal to pull away the boxes they were sitting on.

"Is this really a good idea, (Y/n)?" Giyuu asks.

"Oh, of course not," You wave your good hand dismissively.

Iguro snarls: "That's it, I'm getting up."

"Pull the boxes!"

Quickly but in union, the four pulled away the boxes from under the other four Demon Slayers.

Everyone was watching them silently, awed that Sanemi, Giyuu, Iguro, and Tanjiro stayed up right despite the boxes being taken from them.

"If you get up, you'll all fall!" You cackle mischievously.

"How exactly is this a bonding exercise, Onē-Chan?" Naho hums.

"Because if one person tries to get up, then everyone will fall down! They have to trust each other not to get up so they can stay supported," You explain to the best of your abilities.

"Sounds good, but (B/n)," Inosuke sits down on the box himself, "How do they get up without falling?"






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