16: Are You The Prophet Now?

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A/N: Ubuyashiki will be our Google Translate for this conversation, but I'm not going to write-
"He translates."
"He translates to Uzui."
"Ubuyashiki translates for you to hear."
-Over and over again. So just know that Ubuyashiki is translating in between talks.


You were sitting cross legged on the floor, you had your hands in between your legs to hold your skirt down. In front of you, Gyomei sat on Ubuyashiki's left, and Uzui on the right.

The girls had left, so it was just you four.

"So..." You trail off awkwardly, "Whatchu wanna talk about?"

"First, I would like to inform you that I have accepted you to become an official member of the Demon Slayer Corps, I'll grant you the courtesy of letting you skip the Final Selection. Hopefully later today, a Kukashi will come to you accompanied by a Swordsmith with ores to choose from so they can forge you a sword."

"Tanjiro has mentioned that you had only trained for 3 weeks and you are unable to use a Breath as of now," Ubuyashiki informs you, "But I don't think that would be a problem at the moment. We can find a Pillar that is most compatible with you to teach you the basics."

"To be trained by a Pillar...wouldn't that mean they would train me as their disciple?" You ask.

"Not entirely so." Ubuyashiki replies, "Since your comrades are ill equipped to train you as they are injured, a Pillar will take up the task. Of course, if they liked, they could take you under as their Tsuguko if they see you meet their requirements."

"Also, I overheard your conversation with Kyojuro," Ubuyashiki feels the corner of his lip twitch up at the memory.

"Really? I felt bad I couldn't understand him," You smile at Ubuyashiki, "Can you tell me what he said?"

Ubuyashiki debates whether or not to tell you everything Kyojuro said.

(How funny would your reaction be if you knew exactly what the beloved Flame Pillar had said?)

"He had mentioned that if you and I allowed him to, he would be more than happy to train you himself." He starts.

"Oh, really? That's so sweet of him-"

"-And Kyojuro had also said he found your declaration of masturbation arousing," Ubuyashiki smiles mischievously, "Kyojuro had also complimented your appearance and soul to be beautiful. That he wouldn't mind to teach you Japanese, just so he can tell you all of this himself, and that one day you'll return his feel-"

"-Woa-how! Okay!"

Your voice shook as you chuckled, flustered from the onslaught of information. Your face was beat red as you stared at the ground so the Sound Pillar wouldn't see. Not like it would matter, you're sure your sound would tell him.

Look, you didn't consider yourself depressed, but you did have extremely low self-esteem. You knew Ubuyashiki wasn't a liar, but there was just no way Kyojuro actually said that to you!

Kyojuro was just so beautiful, and kind, and courageous, and intense, and hot, and sexy, and he could raw you any day if-

"-Look," You interrupt your own train of thought, "I'm sure he was probably just saying that because of mt cries of self-pleasure. To be honest, if some chick or some dude said that, I'd probably wanna smash, too, so..."

"...Smash?" Ubuyashiki asks, confused.

"....Anyway, Rengoku said he'd train me?" You try to change the subject.

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