37: There Is Mistrust, And There Is Realization

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You all turn to look at Shinobu who seemingly entered out of nowhere.

You were going to make her feel bad about tying you up. You didn't care, you were petty like that.

You grin at the Insect Pillar, moving your hands and feet the best you can since they were tied down at the joints. You do this very noticeably in an expressive manner as you speak to her.

"Hey, Shinobu! How are you this fine morning?" You speak cheerfully.

"It's... late in the afternoon." Sanemi corrects.

"Really?" You laugh, "Sorry! It's hard to tell time when your only light source is a small window! Anyway, how've you been? You've been out of bed okay?"

"I see that you're awake, (L/n). How long have you been up?" Shinobu does her best to ignore your last remark.

"(L/n)? So we're back to that." You huff before laying your head back to rest on the flat pillow, "You know I can't understand you, Shinobu."

You give up.

You didn't want to be mean, it made you feel bad. Even if this was unfair to you, and even though you did nothing wrong, you can't help but feel like maybe you did deserve this treatment.

"Tanjiro, you knew the rule. The moment she woke up, you were to leave and come find me." Shinobu says.

Tanjiro fidgets in his seat in guilt, "Well... she was really sad and afraid when we got here. I didn't want to leave her alone..."

"What's the problem, Kocho?" Uzui smiles, "(L/n) seems to be alright. Nothing has happened since we arrived. I think it's okay if we untie her now."

"Why is the brat tied down? Kamado did a shit job at explaining." Sanemi asks.

"(L/n) has been fraternizing with a demon, and while there is the case of Kamado Nezuko, this demon has actually eaten people. They both share the same mark on their body, so we have reason to suspect they're working together. Or that (L/n) might be a demon who's conquered the sun." Shinobu explains.

Tanjiro takes this time to get out of his seat and offer it to the Insect Pillar. She accepts it with a smile and a quiet thank you.

"We?" Kyojuro's smile drops.

"Um, I would like to know what the fuck is going on," You speak up, "I've been waiting for an explanation for a while, and all I've been getting is 'Let's wait for Shinobu'. And now that she's finally here, I really want to know what I did wrong. Because frankly, the silent treatment is freaking me the fuck out."

Sanemi furrows his eyebrows in thought.

He didn't like you.

At all.

But now that he knows about this, he's a little bit on the fence about you.

There's no way you were a demon, his instincts never lied. And you weren't affected by his blood, either. The fact that you had the same mark as a demon must be for a different reason. Either way, you didn't radiate any malicious intent, so Sanemi doesn't think you should be tied down.

And it seems the others in this room, aside from Shinobu, feel the same way.

Sanemi doesn't like you, but he's a fair man.

"Since I'm here, I might as well tell (L/n)," Sanemi reluctantly supplies, "She's been waiting all day for an explanation, so I might as well be the one to give it to her since no one else can."

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now