62.5: Atsushi Kōrenki

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A/N: Have this doodle of Kōrenki, you'll learn who he really is in this chapter anyway ily


"Thank you again, Atsushi! Here," The female shopkeeper hands the young boy 5¥, "I'm sorry it's not much, but-"

"-No! Please don't worry about it! This is more than enough!" The boy-named Atsushi Kōrenki-flushes pink at the unexpected reward, "Thank you very much!"

The female shopkeeper watches the 10 year old boy with guilty eyes as he tries to find a good place to keep his Yen.

She was tempted to offer him a proposition to stay in a guest room. The poor boy looks like he needs a bath, and his bones were beginning to show through his pale skin.

The offer was quickly off the table with one look at his unnaturally silver eyes.

"Run along now, Atsushi," The shopkeeper smiles through her guilt, "Your work is done here."

Kōrenki bows a perfect 90° angle before running towards his usual hideout.

He was out later than usual, so he was a bit worried he wouldn't make it to his small makeshift hut right outside town.

Of course, it hurt his feelings when the townspeople were eager to get him to leave. But Kōrenki knew it was his punishment for being a demon child. Maybe he was a horrible person in his past life, and this was his punishment.

Grey eyes are a sign that demons, evil spirits, and ugly souls inhabit the wearer. And Kōrenki was born with unnaturally silver eyes.

It was ironic, really. That the characters used to spell his name were things of kindness, brightness, purity.

Kōrenki was told long ago that when he was born, everyone in the room was certain he would accomplish great things. Then a few minutes after his birth, he opened his eyes to reveal his silver eyes.

Kōrenki has to thank his parents for at least naming him and keeping him until he was able to walk and talk on his own.

Self-confidence who? Kōrenki doesn't know her.

That's also another reason why many people keep their distance from the brunette. His strange, out of place sense of humor.

It's not like Kōrenki had any problems being alone, though.

He was a good kid, so they haven't killed him yet. But they might as well with the way they treat him when he's not acting as their slave.


6 Years Later

"I don't have a detonator, it's on a timer." Kōrenki says quietly.

"A count-down timer?" The male Demon Slayer questions.

"No." Kōrenki rolls his eyes, "A count-up timer. It goes from 1 to explode."

Kōrenki never thought he'd be helping some crazy guy who claimed to slay demons on a fine Thursday night. But then again, he's always eager to help out the weirdos.

This man with black hair and striking golden eyes was wearing a weird uniform with a blade to his hip. He came into town, asking about a demon that's been killing in the area.

The town was pretty closed off, but Kōrenki had noticed the decreasing number in townspeople recently when no one else had. So of course, he wanted to help out.

Even if Kōrenki did think the guy was full of shit.

In the end, Kōrenki witnessed a demon getting decapitated and turning to dust for the first time that night.

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