78: Love Me Now, Panic Later

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A/N: This amazing recreation of the last chapter was made by @/Kisharui on Instagram!
Btw, if you have fanart/want to send fanart, you can send it through:

Instagram: _caboose_villain_arc_


Discord: Caboose#2702


The first thing your brain registers was burning pain in your left shoulder and collar. You whimper and try to curl in on yourself, but that obviously only made it worse.

Was your head on someone's lap?


And was someone stroking your hair?

You move your right hand and rub the sleep away.

"Don't panic," You hear Akaza's voice from above, "Please, (Y/n)."

Fuck, so it really was Akaza who saved you.

And you remember his eyes were...

You lower your hand down and open your eyes to look at your beautiful savior.

No matter how many times you see Akaza, his beauty was always going to catch you off guard.

Akaza was, unfortunately, very pretty.

Your head was laid across Akaza's lap with your right side facing him. His right hand was running through your hair, his other hand was resting on your chest, more specifically over where your heart is.

Akaza had a small smile on his face. You will never get used to the way he looks at you: like he's absolutely in love with you.

You furrow your eyebrows, "Help me sit up please."

Akaza sighs through his nose and does as he's asked. He hooks his right arm under your back and holds your right hand and helps you to sit up.

Your back was sore, maybe because you fucking fell on a branch. And your left arm felt like T.V. static, your entire left shoulder really hurt, and it took a lot to just not cry in pain.

"How long was I out?" You ask.

"Not too long, maybe 5 minutes," Akaza answers, "Are you hurt? Aside from the obvious, I mean."

You hum, "My back hurts... and my right arm kind of burns. That's about it."

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you sooner," Akaza's voice was quiet.

"You have nothing to apologize for. You're not responsible for my safety," You shake your head, "I'm glad just to be alive. So thank you."

You raise an eyebrow at Akaza's appearance, "Where's your pink cardigan? Decided you won't let society oppress you about clothes?"

Akaza snorts in amusement then jerks his head towards you, "Check your shoulder."

Sure enough, you still had Sanemi's haori on, but Akaza's pink cardigan was folded to wrap on your shoulder and your under arm. Having it wrapped like that helped keep the pressure on your wound consistently.

"Oh... sorry."

Akaza smiles fondly and softly flicks your forehead: "Don't apologize. I'm just glad you're alive."

You forgot how nice Akaza is with you. It threw you into a whiplash since you basically told Akaza to fuck off when he was proposing last time you saw him.

You didn't know about it at the time, but you still feel bad about it.

Still, it was odd that Akaza's attitude towards you hasn't changed. Maybe that's one of the many ways Akaza shows he truly loves you.

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