82: Marijuana Green

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A/N: Here is some art I did for a special someone! That someone will be revealed at the end of the chapter! This is a long tailed tit bird!

Also I KNOW birds have no feathers when they're freshly hatched JUST LEAVE ME ALONE


"Okay! Okay! Okay!" You call up to the boar child who was on a low branch, "Space, Inosuke! Give them space!"

"I know, dammit! I just need to make sure the nest is stable for Tu Cielito, the other bird, and the egg!" Inosuke slowly pushes the nest more back towards the tree rather than further out on the branch, "The chick is gonna move around a lot, so the nest needs to be on a bigger surface-OW! YOU DAMN CROW!!"

The damn crow pinched Inosuke's hand with her beak, trying to intimidate him to leave.

Right when you and the others arrived at the Rengoku Estate, Senjuro was the first to greet you with such happiness. Then Inosuke was quick to say hello and fret over your physical health before remembering something.

You didn't get a chance to breathe before Inosuke was dragging you to the back of the Estate to outside in the backyard. Kyojuro, Senjuro, and Tanjiro were quick to follow. Though Sekido was quick to voice that he wanted sleep, so Tanjiro had to hurry to take Sekido to his room.

Then you see Tu Cielito up on a tree with a crow with suspiciously long eyelashes.

They were squawking loudly at a nest near the edge of the branch; it looked unstable.

You all figured out what was happening, and Inosuke hurried to climb up the tree to help stable the birds nest.

You had no idea Tu Cielito was a lesbian! Good for her!

You just wished you knew what her girlfriend's name is. If anything, she was probably a Kasugai Crow, but who did she belong to? Who had a female crow with ridiculously long eyelashes?

You remembered that Mitsuri had a female crow, but was this crow really hers?

So now, you, Tanjiro, Kyojuro, and Senjuro were anxiously watching as Inosuke sat on a branch next to the nest, trying to stabilize the nest with a single egg inside.

Tu Cielito knew Inosuke as a friend, so she wasn't hostile with him.

But her crow girlfriend was a different story, she was pecking at Inosuke's hand.

It's not like the branch was high anyway, maybe a half a foot taller than poor Tanjiro. But still, the drop would hurt the poor egg.

Inosuke hisses and shakes his hand to relive the pain, "Stupid bird! Just let Master Inosuke help!"

"Inosuke! They're just scared!" Tanjiro says, "Just hurry and get down!"

"I'm on it! I'm on it!"

Inosuke slowly pushes the nest a final time, finally pulling away now that the nest is sitting on a bigger surface.

"The egg is probably hatching today if they're both here," You hum, noticing Inosuke jumping off the branch, "I can't believe I'm becoming a Grandmother already."

"Ah, by the way-" You look at your friends, "-Where's Zenitsu?"

"Zenitsu had left yesterday morning on an assignment," Senjuro answers, "He's not going to be gone for long. But anyway, how are you? Your shoulder-"

"-Oh right! I was impaled!" You laugh.

"You WHAT?!" Inosuke balks.

"Yeah, but I'm gucci now."

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