93: Knock Knock! Who's There? Boobs!

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You cried.

And you cried.

And you cried.

You're sure Akaza felt awkward and hated every second of it, but you couldn't help it.

You were in direct line of sight of Gerik's body, his corpse was already beginning to smell horrid. But you couldn't just leave his body there, and there's no way in hell you're asking Akaza to eat him. And you're pretty sure Miku would want to decide what to do with him.

So all you could do was cry.

Did you kill him?

You're just 17, you're still technically in your Junior year of high school. You didn't have a fucking medical degree.

You just wanted to help him.

You just wanted to save him.

But did your meddling end up killing Gerik?

You kept crying out apologies while Akaza hugs you for comfort. He mentioned that he couldn't stay forever since the sun would rise sooner or later. And that if some human showed up, you couldn't risk being seen with a demon.

It's been maybe 2 hours, you had to move a bit away from the body early on because the smell was beginning to become unbearable.

Akaza and yourself were sitting against a tree not far from Gerik. You two were more or less cuddling; you sat next to the demon, and your arms were wrapped around each other. Akaza was nice enough to let you use your haori he still wore around his waist for additional warmth.

When you asked if you could have it back, he said no.

Which was probably a good thing because if you showed up in your old haori, the others would know that you came in contact with him again.

"Akaza," Your voice was rough due to your relentless crying, "Do you happen to know the status of the Upper Moons?"

"Why the sudden interest?"

"Daki and Gyutarou are at the Red Light District..." You close your eyes, "My friends are there, and they're going to try and stop them."

Akaza takes a deep breath: "I only know what from what I've overheard from other demons. Upper Moon 6 was promoted to Upper Moon 5, and a new Upper Moon was added not too long ago. I don't remember his name, it began with Kai."

Your heart drops to your stomach, "It's Kaigaku..."

"Yeah. How did you-"

"-I'm clairvoyant, remember?" You hum softly, "I should quit the Corps and become a fortune teller."

"They'll burn you at the trials for your abilities," Akaza silently laughs.

"You were alive for the Salem Witch Trials that happened in Massachusetts, USA, 1692?"

"Uh..." Akaza stares at your joined hands in thought, "No, I'm not that old. I'm only 131 years-"

"-Holy shit... you're practically dust."

Akaza is 131 years old. That means Sekido is older than Akaza! That twunk demon is 171, Sekido is an old, old man!

"Thanks." Akaza rolls his eyes.

"'S not like it's... a bad thing or anything.... You're just... old."

"You're getting tired?" Akaza moves you so your upper body laid more on him.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now