86: Moral Ambiguity Grey

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A/N: On Quotev, I got a comment asking about how (Y/n)'s family feels about the love interests. And I was like "that's wack as fuck" so I decided to also include the list here!

The opinions will be THEIR point of view. So if something seems off, it's THEIR point of view because I mentioned before that everything that happened to you didn't all show up in the manga.

It is still Tanjiro's story in the manga, so they won't know ALL about your thoughts and the other's thoughts on you.

The Family's Overall Opinions:

Sekido: They really like him since he's been keeping you alive and he can keep up with you.

Kyojuro: They like Kyojuro because he is very respectful and looks to be the most worried about your safety.

Sanemi: They're really rooting for Sanemi because he can speak English the most and because it seems that he treats you with the most respect.

Inosuke: They like Inosuke, but they feel like you have to watch over him more like a little brother than a love interest.

Tanjiro: They REALLY like Tanjiro. Since aside from Sekido, Tanjiro is basically the reason you're even alive. He's the reason you're on this wack adventure to begin with.

Akaza: They're very torn about Akaza. You two did not exactly start off on the right foot. And Akaza is a murderer who eats his victims. But then his life took a complete turn JUST for you. They would like for Akaza to be with you, but in a different life.

Alternative Title: All I Really Want Is Girls! Girls! Girls!


You ended up staying the night at Sanemi's Estate because everytime you two thought you had enough food, Kyojuro and Mitsuri would pop into your head and you suddenly didn't have enough food anymore.

You wished you brought a pair change of clothes, but cha didn't.

Sanemi had to lend you a spare light green yukata of his, though it was a little too big for you. He tied some parts of the yukata back for you, but it was really comfortable otherwise.

Now it's the next day and the weather was beautiful. You suggested having the party in the back room since Sekido and Nezuko could still participate and the others would enjoy the fresh air. Plus, the room would just get humid with all the hot foods.

It was pretty late in the evening and you forgot to tell everyone that the party was starting at Mexican time. Meaning if you tell them to come at 7pm (when the sun is almost completely down), they should actually show up at 8:30 or 9.

But they might actually show up on time so yikes. If they had phones, you'd call them to tell them to bring their own plates and bowls since...

"Where... are the bowls..."

You put down three white bowls on the counter and went back to look through Sanemi's kitchen in search for more shit.

Sanemi only has three bowls, three plates, ONE set of utensils, and a bunch of chopsticks.

"Nemi, my dude, my home-slice bread-slice. Where are the bowls and plates and shit?" You ask.

Sanemi was checking the pozole, making sure it's cooking since everyone would be here soon probably.

"Fuck," Sanemi sighs, "I forgot to by more. I never have people over so I didn't need to have so many bowls and plates."

"That's kinda sus, not gonna lie. You mean to tell me you really only have those 3?" You start to fiddle with the ropes on your yukata that hold back your sleeves to your elbows, "Uh, okay. Um, I'm sorry, but I don't have Japanese currency right now, so if you give me money, I can go real quick to buy-"

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