95: Home Is Where The Trauma Is

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A/N: I just want to say Thank You all so much for almost 60k Reads and over 5.25k Votes on Wattpad!

This means a lot to me and honestly I'm just flabbergasted on how big my audience is already!

Thank you all so much! Thank you all for your support! I love every single one of you!


"(Y/n)," Sekido rubs the back of his head, "are you—sure about this?"

"I'm sure. I'm just going to be gone for a little while," You mumble as you adjust the strap of your backpack to hang off your right shoulder, "Sekido, I can't be gone longer for 2 months, okay? So rest up for as long as you want 'till then."

"Yeah, I will."

"I'll be leaving my iPhone so you can um-you know," You cross your arms under your amazing tits, "Check up and make sure I'm uh-I'm okay."

Kyojuro had his arms crossed too, and it seemed he was hiding something in his hand.

Kyojuro didn't-couldn't look you in the eyes, "Do you have to go?"

All four of you: Kyojuro, Senjuro, Sekido, and yourself, were in the room you shared with Nezuko. Shinjuro didn't want to see you go because he'll be sad: at least that's what you're telling yourself.

You had a fresh change of uniform on, your new haori, your backpack filled with clothes and your phone, and your nirichin blade.

You were ready to leave 15 minutes after telling them you had to go.

You didn't want to force a smile, so you didn't.

"What happened last night was hard to... it was the second time in my life I had to experience something like this. And I just need to surround myself with the people who were there for me the first time I ever experienced this." You vaguely provide, "Please understand that I'm leaving so that I can better cope with this because that's what's best for me."

You watch silently as Sekido uses his Blood Demon Art to change the door into your door room from your original world.

You duck your head down; you felt vulnerable knowing Kyojuro, Senjuro, and Sekido would be able to read your expression.

"I promise to tell you what happened last night when I come back. Unless you hear it from someone else until then, I mean." You clear your throat, "Kyojuro, can I ask you for a favor?"

"Yes, what is it?" He still won't look at you.

"When Tengen returns, can you send him a letter to him on my behalf? When I return, I want to see him." You feel yourself tear up, "Send as many letters as you can until he responds. And... you three behave, okay?"

"Will you be okay?" Senjuro asks.

You nod in response.

Then, you awkwardly wave before reaching for the doorknob.

"Wha-You're not even going to say goodbye?" Kyojuro raises his voice so suddenly at the end it honestly startled you.

You sigh and turn around, "I'm going to come back, Kyo-"

"-You shouldn't leave without saying goodbye," Kyojuro's voice is firm, "We don't know how long you'll be away, saying goodbye matters right now."

Senjuro and Sekido didn't want to voice it, but they agreed with Kyojuro.

You try to remember a cheesy quote from a fucking web-series about Halo.

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