45: All That's Happened Recently

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This chapter contains the topics of the major events that had transpired in 2020. More so with BLM movements, ACAB, etc. I apologize to those who come to this story in a form of comfort to get away from the conflicts that are/were happening.

You have been warned.


You scratch the back of your ear: "That's the door to my room at my house."

"Yikes." Sekido clicks his tongue, "Well, let's go, then."

You deadpan at Sekido's behavior. You shake your head and sigh through your nose. Sekido opens the door for you, but on the other side, it was the hallway in the Butterfly Estate. You furrow your eyebrows and step forward.

"(Y/n) and Sekido," Tanjiro smiles, "Be safe."

"Yep! See you in 24 hours!" You offer your friends a small salute.

You walk through the door with Sekido close behind you, registering the small click of the door opening. Right when the door closed, the room suddenly went pitch black while double white bi-fold doors appeared a few feet in front of you.

"Those... are my closet doors." You point out.

"Awesome, let's go." Sekido replies monotonously.

You roll your eyes as you both step closer to the doors: "Better not say shit about my room. I think I left it messy."

Right as you reached to push the doors open, Sekido took your wrist to stop you. You give him a look of confusion.

Sekido replies by putting a finger to his lips to silence you as he spoke in a whisper, "We have to stay quiet. We don't know who else could be in the house."


You silently nod in understanding. Sekido removes his hold from your wrist. Right when your fingers make contact with the door, you're suddenly surrounded by your clothes.

You look around yourself and notice that both of you were in your closest now, and were surrounded by your clothes on the hangers.

"Hurry up and open the door." Sekido hisses quietly as he tries to free his left horn that got caught with a shirt.

You push open the door just a sliver and peek out to the other side to make sure there was no one in the room and if there was any sunlight coming through any windows. You and Sekido left in the late morning, so it made sense that the sun had just set over here.

Well, kind of made sense.

When you push the doors open more, both you and Sekido flinch violently at the sound of the hinges squeaking loudly in protest.

You both freeze in place, too scared to make another move. You both listen for any indication that there might be someone in the house.

Literally after 3 minutes, you both deemed it was safe to continue. The door was open wide enough for you and Sekido to get out without risking touching the doors.

"This... is a pretty cool room," Sekido nods as he silently compliments your humble abode.

"Thanks," You whisper, nostalgia hitting you at the old sight of your humble abode.

Your room was pretty spacious since you used to share it with two of your older sisters before they moved out.

In the point of view from the closest, there was a queen size bed across from you, pushed in the right corner with unkempt, black bed sheets. The wooden bed-frame held your bed up high enough that you could fit under it.

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